Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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What a beautiful little egg- Congrats!
and what a unique way to display it - on a silver platter
I wanted to have my first egg bronzed like "babies first shoes"
Here is a picture of my first eggs, we cannot eat them because they were wormed yesterday and the vet says to wait a month before eating the eggs, so we fed them back to the hens.


Here is the 1st egg from one of our RIRs. I hope they are all that big, it doesnt quite fit in the large egg cartons we saved from the store. What is funny is that the black star sex link that is easily a pound or more heavier doesnt lay egss that are quite as large (well, that have laid a grand total of 7 eggs between 3 birds so I dont think you can draw any real conclusions). I wish my wife had taken a pic, apparently we had two RIRs in our tiny 9x12x12 nest box at the same time, and that for a short while one had gotten broody with the plastic easter egg we had put in there to give them ideas.
One of our Easter Eggers has started laying. We got our first lovely green egg on Monday (seen here compared to a white large storebought egg). It had a bit of blood on it. However, since then, two rubbery shelled eggs which the chickens have gotten to before I could stop them (and eaten). I hope I have not spawned a coop full of egg eaters!!! I will be watching closely to see if I can "catch" them as soon as it is laid and get the egg before they can. Hopefully if the egg is hard and I get to it quickly they will "forget".??


Anyways... it was yummy!!

She is 25 weeks old. I am still waiting on 3 others that haven't yet started. AND.... I have 4 Barnevelders that are 27 weeks and still haven't started. Every time I buy eggs from the store I wonder if it will be my last dozen.
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