Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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Just got my firest egg today!!!!


Hi All,

Just wanted to share a pic of my first eggs.

These are the first three from (i'm assuming) the same Golden laced Wyandotte, since she is the only one I see using "her spot".

First egg (at 24 weeks) is on the top left, second (3 days later) on the right, the super extra large one on the bottom (4 days ago at 25 weeks old), none since but...

The large one has been cracked open in the next pic and is the double one on the bottom of the pic. (the 2 cracked eggs on top of the bowl are from "Egginnovations" certified organic brown eggs)

Quite a difference I think



Thanks again to BYC members,


I think one of these eggs is from one of my Auaracans (on the right) and one is from one of my Buff Orpingtons. The white one at the top is a store bought large egg that I put in the picture for size perspective. They started laying on Monday and so far I have 5 eggs...4 brown from the Buffs and 1 "other". Very exciting!


Yipppeeee Just got back in from checking on my girls and collecting eggs. I was rewarded with my young ladies with there first pullet egg today. A little brown one These girls are about 18 to 20 weeks old. Untill today I had four hens laying regularly. two eggs every day to day I got four I will get picture posted as soon as I figure out how to. YIPPPEEEE
I came in off night shift and went out to let the flock out for the day and lo and behold I saw a mirage... a something could it be? YES MY FIRST EGG!!!! I dont know which one layed as I have about 40 hens @ 16 and 20 weeks. I am betting its one of the Partridge Rocks (20) or the New Hampshire/Sex Link (16) girls. I had just finished the laying boxes in the new coop addition and had not even put bedding down yet so the end was a little crunched. The egg was a little over 2 inches long and almost straight on the sides lol and what a surprise when we cracked it open!!! Who'da thunkit
Well enough sleepless ramblng here come the pics!!!





I dont know which one of the two first egg layers it happened to but I am having to euthanize a 22 wk old LB pullet due to internal egglaying complications. *edit*
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