Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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My EE pullet that hatched at the end of August FINALLY laid her first egg today!! After a few hours pacing back and forth (me AND her!!) she gave me this pretty blue egg! The egg on the left is a green one from an older EE hen.
My EE pullet that hatched at the end of August FINALLY laid her first egg today!! After a few hours pacing back and forth (me AND her!!) she gave me this pretty blue egg! The egg on the left is a green one from an older EE hen.

Pretty!!! Can't wait till my two EE's grow up
Holy Moly!!!

We bought our little girls in August 2011, so we'd been eggspecting to see eggs soon. We checked all through January daily with no dice. We decided to give them time, thinking that they wouldn't be laying anytime soon. We stopped checking for a week, and our 4 girls decided that they were ready! This is the surprise we got today!

The two at the bottom right corner are obviously first eggs. Cute!
Just saw this thread (smack head, "oh, yeah!"). Sorry for starting another thread and hope admin will delete it.

First egg this morning - a pale aqua color that doesn't show well in photo. It is small (1.45 oz). I expected my Dom to be first as she had red full comb/wattles first. SS aren't far behind her. All are 23 week, and I'm sure the rest will join the act any day now.
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Congratulations to both of you! We just got our first ever egg back in late January (now all four are laying) so I know you are super egg-cited!! Both are beautiful eggs!
My daughter made me blow out the first eggs from each of our girls. Have you eaten them yet?
I finally got an egg! Hurray. I am so proud of Penny, my Rhode Island Red. I am pretty sure it was her because her comb is bright red compared to the others, she's larger, and just has been acting like she's going to lay (even though I'm completely new at this). Today I got my FIRST EGG of my life. And it'll be the first fresh egg that I've ever had. Any suggestions on how I should eat it?




As a Spiced Egg Omelet!!
I bought my 4 Rhode Island Red hens last weekend. One of the girls laid her first egg (in her new home) today. This is my first flock and my first time collecting an egg out of my nest boxes. My mother, daughter, and I were jumping up and down and smiling from ear to ear.
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