Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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Amiti, Thanks for the photo.  Let us know with a photo when you have baby chicks.... Kay in NC... 3 29 16

I will! I am trying to encourage a hen to go broody by leaving (& marking) two days worth of eggs in the nest.

I just got a real wheaten ameraucana hen to add to possible eggs to hatch tho she hasnt laid for me yet to really judge.
I will! I am trying to encourage a hen to go broody by leaving (& marking) two days worth of eggs in the nest.
I just got a real wheaten ameraucana hen to add to possible eggs to hatch tho she hasnt laid for me yet to really judge.... Amiti
Apr 2 2016
Amiti, Good Luck with your Wheaten Ameraucana and other girls. I had an Ameraucana but he turned out to be a rooster so I re-homed him. However, I am thinking about getting 3 Ameraucana chicks hopefully female. I think blue eggs would be great! Anyway I'll be checking back to see what's going on with you and your girls... Kay in NC.. 4.2.16
Dear kay in nc....

Its kinda cool to know someone is following my chicken story like I am other people. I have gone chicken bananas. I went to a swap and got two more (look like pullets - hopefully) chicks. 6 & 8 weeks. One is a blue motled ameraucana and the other is a game bird I got because they are broody birds.

One of my pullets became a hen (don't even start with the one year "definition", I live by the book on these things) today! One out of the 3 is laying finally!

One of my Plymouth Rock (Rosy)laid this egg in this evening between 5-7 pm while we are at my son's t-ball practice. He is so excited to come home and find this egg instead of the golf ball we placed. Good job Rosy.
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