Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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The big egg was our first. We were surprised it was so big. It ended up being a double-yoker. The small egg was our second. That's more like it for 17 week old pullets :)

The big egg was our first. We were surprised it was so big. It ended up being a double-yoker. The small egg was our second. That's more like it for 17 week old pullets :)

I feel bad for the girl who laid that one!!!!!!
especially for a first time... It's like my oldest daughter, she was 9lb 8oz, 23in. Then my next 2 were progressively smaller.
Oh boy, I cant wait until I start getting eggs! We have 23 girls, and I know that once they start laying, we are gonna have em comin out of our ears! (or so I have been told!) And you better bet that once I do get my first egg, I will be posting a pic!!! So stay tuned folks!
One has been laying in the box, the other has been laying on the floor. With some adjustments we finally had success today = 2 eggs together, finally no more bending over to reach the egg on the floor!
When I opened the door and saw these together this morning, I smiled ear to ear ... it was a FANTASTIC 1st LOL!

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I got my first egg today!!! I would post a pic, but my internet is too slow. I am not sure if it was from a Buff Orpington or a Barred Rock, but I am so excited it doesn't bother me not knowing. They have been doing the egg squat and singing away for a week now so I knew it was coming. The weird thing is that it was layed in their oyster shells not in a nest box. I am hoping she was just confused since it was her first one. The shavings in the nest boxes were moved around into nests so maybe she will lay there next time.
I got two Ameraucana girls for free off of Craigslist two days ago. The family was getting rid of them because they said they were over a year old and they had had them for 2.5 months and hadn't seen an egg yet. Well look what I found this afternoon!

We are so eggcited!!!
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