Posting pictures from mobile

Thanks gargoyle. Problem solved. You are a star.
Cheep chic thanks for your support. This one started stargazing so i am giving him water with brewers yeast
*uses nokia lumia 800*

Can not upload pictures as there is no mobile site, and all it does is upload a box to find your file to upload. :)
no pictures like that can

It seems your browser isn't rendering the pages completely; maybe it doesn't allow for the javascript they use to make everything work on this site. Are you able to try with a different browser?
Hello all.
I just uploaded a pic from my 4G iPhone to see if it would work and as you can see it did. First pic I ever put on here and wanted to make sure it work from a 4G before chiming in.
How do I put a photo on my profile page? Figured out how to put one on BYC but can't figure out how to do the profile photo.
I have a Samsung Galaxy S2. I click on your icon for photos and it says upload from device or use URL number. I click on upload from device and I swear I can hear it sniggering at me! Nothing happens. It doesn't open my gallery or anything. Most of the time it doesn't even highlight the box I clicked on.......:hit

I have the same issue. I can get to my gallery, but after I select the picture, it never makes it to the post.

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