Postings from members with links

Here's a link to the whole thread that details my journey from sand to deep litter.

Just keep getting it deeper, it's really got to be about a foot deep to support the micro and macro organisms, but you are limited there with your coop/run combo. Still just keeping a good browns balance should take care of the poops. You may have to do more management due to small size.

You can go against the HC.
I lined my run with HC so I could do deepish litter, but then I don't have wood at the bottom.
Had stinky sandy soil after the grass was gone, just adding some browns took care of the stink right away and I just keep adding to it.

Check out this guys set up.
I typically save interesting links on my device rather than trying to save them in a forum post. That way I don't have to go searching for my own post in order to find them, LOL. On my laptop they are saved in a Word doc named "chicken links". On my phone they are in a notepad file.

If I wanted to compile a list here on this site, I'd probably start an article. I'd just copy the links (or whole posts) to the body of the article and save it as a draft never to be published publicly. It's easy to access and edit your draft articles quickly and no one but you can see them if you never publish them. It also would eliminate the notifications that are sent to the original authors when you quote them in a thread.
I'm new here, so please forgive me for digging up an old post, but there is more to be considered in this than opinion. Please refer to your state's department of agriculture for your local guidelines on this issue. It would be a shame to lose your birds or have a heavy fine levied against you over a 30-50 cent egg carton, or ruin local egg sales for everyone due to not following regulations, whether you agree with them or not. My state has a regulation specifically prohibiting the use of used cartons for selling eggs. The following link has a link to each state which should take you to what you need to know about selling your eggs. It is not the laws and regulations that make it more difficult to run a farm, it is the people who have no standards and don't abide by the laws that cause more unnecessary laws to be put in place which makes the problem worse. Don't make it more difficult for everyone else by not abiding by the standards of your state. If one person sells bad eggs from their local coop then word will get out and cause people to be fearful of buying local, it happens.
Mealworm setup

It doesn't hurt having extra calcium available for them, they'll either eat it or not. Make sure you're giving them left overs that contain protein as well!
You never know if they're finding those essential worms and grubs when they're foraging.

I made a mealworm farm, its incredibly easy to set up and all it takes is a few small pieces of carrots every 3 or 4 days (depending on how many worms are in your farm).

This website will tell you pretty much everything you need to know for your farm.

I don't think I'd be wrong in saying mealworms are one of chickens most loved treats. I've managed to train my chickens using mealworms.

For calcium, I give my ladies extremely fine eggshells. I boiled them, thoroughly clean them, then using a pestle and mortar, crush them as fine as can be.
The eggshells are then left in a separate container so they can eat as they need.

An extra warning, be sure to finely crush the egg shell and remove the membrane from the inside of the shell so your chickens don't recognize it as their own eggs, otherwise you'll start raising egg eaters!! :barnie
Thanks for sharing this list of vegetable/ protein in alternate feeds

I'm vegan and people always ask me where I get protein and calcium and i say the same place as you, from my food. for example 6 cups of spinach has the same amount of protein as an egg.. here is a small list of grams of protein per cup of different veggies for an example //

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