potato peels?

Lord I hope her Momma doesn't feed her potato peels. Those things are deadly to grasshopper kids!

I'm just about to feed my chickens some potato peels and I'm gonna see if they like it if they do i will feed to them as a treat.
I've been following this thread with great interest...love the debate! I have a question. Is a 'Green' potatoe one that is actually green in color , one that's not yet ready to be picked, raw potatoes or what, exactly? Thanks guys

I just know that when I leave my potatoes out on the counter too long the skin greens up...assuming light converts something in the potato to get it to 'turn'?
My chicks just hatched out of a bator so I am completely sleep deprived and will probably see this at a later date and immediately delete it!
@ Clay---get yourself an Immersion Stick Blender, Sir !!! You'll have Hollandaise in about 6 mins !!! It's super fast and does a very respectable Hollandaise, waaaaaaaaaaay more reliable results than the ole' double boiler. You can add Tarragon, red wine vinegar or even Franks Red Hot Sauce ( don't laugh til you've tried it !!) Use your lovely 'Chook' Eggs, of course and you're guaranteed a beautiful, silky sauce every single time.
You're welcome. :):):) (P.S.---Martha Stewart has a recipe for Tangerine Hollandaise that is pure bliss~!)
NOT only has this thread been educational....
But it's been totally flippin' hilarious!!!
I've been laughing my butt off here.

Seriously though...you guys got to get together and take this on the road!

BYC proudly presents...."The Green Potato Peel" production! (Millions could be made)


(I forgot the word peel. How could I forget peel? It was all about the peel,. Then corn, popcorn, gizzzards....etc)
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