Poultry Breeds of Spanish Ancestry

Quote: psss and thanks for the invite
Quote: speaking of eggs, I found this in the american livestock breeds list

Eggs from Spanish chickens have been record in weights ranging from 2.75 ounces to 4.25 ounces (in 1852).

we are on the smaller end of that scale yet, why is there such a big difference in weights for these eggs?
I am trying to figure out what we should be at in the upcoming months, does anyone know their weights?
I believe red is a bigger fault, but I could be wrong. The breeder I got them from mixed minorcas to the wfbs to improve size. Yes the minorcas lay white eggs.
speaking of eggs, I found this in the american livestock breeds list

Eggs from Spanish chickens have been record in weights ranging from 2.75 ounces to 4.25 ounces (in 1852).

we are on the smaller end of that scale yet, why is there such a big difference in weights for these eggs?
I am trying to figure out what we should be at in the upcoming months, does anyone know their weights?

I have never weighed a single egg. I just started weighing eggs in my hatching process to determine weight loss compared to humidity levels. But I was thinking about that earlier today, that sometime in the future, probably when I'm a lot closer to a perfect Andalusian, then I'll start selecting for egg size, color, etc... however, I remember reading sometime, somewhere, that egg size does not determine the mature size of the chick that was in that egg. I don't know. I do know, though, that large eggs look better in a carton when you're selling them. I can't stand eggs that wobble in the carton, they need to fill the cup!
I believe red is a bigger fault, but I could be wrong. The breeder I got them from mixed minorcas to the wfbs to improve size. Yes the minorcas lay white eggs.
I love the minorcas faces to be honest, are they flighty like the spanish? It took me some time to spoil ours rotten the roos get so mad because the hens come to me now
amazing what a little cooked oats and some cracked corn can do!

It does have some effects on the chicks, I have read alot of clinic studies and such but they are mostly commercial breeds, so who knows what holds true
I have hatched many in the past several months

I can tell you this, as soon as I make room downstairs I will again be fermenting, this makes a huge difference in egg size and last year we did weigh in yolk differences prooving that fermented feed is amazing for the health of the birds as well as embryos and chicks we had a lower level reno and I had to stop fermenting because we gutted it and had mold, big ordeal but its almost finished and soon I can have my work area back! I will take new weights when I start back up with FF and see what happens after a month

Hmm i will begin weighing my spanish eggs and recording them
awesome, thanks for your help!

I am sending out 3 dozen eggs tomorrow, they have amazed me all winter long! I can always count on their pretty white eggs when all other nest boxes fail me

I have not weighed mine though they are good size. I think @ronott1 weighs his though
I would love to compare if you get time! just one or two!

What is the size dif between andalusian and a wfbs? I was told that ands are smaller? but everyone is asking for our eggs because of the size of the birds and its hard to find a nice size LF wfbs is this true?
I have not weighed mine though they are good size. I think @ronott1 weighs his though

I do weigh them. They Partridge Penedesencas have been laying for about three months and their eggs are in the 60G plus, which is Large. Some get up to 67, close to Xtra Large.

Very nice eggs too! I will get a picture of the ones collected for hatching and post it here.

This is a UofA X Crele Penedesenca, an OE

It is nice to see some Spanish on here. Thank you for sharing the pictures. They are a very interesting breed with historical significance. I think that they are remarkable looking birds.

Concerning egg size, I think it is an important trait for any breed. Maybe even more important for a breed that has a historical reputation for large and extra large eggs. In my opinion, while we are getting started, it is especially important to remember that it is a single trait. We need to consider the whole bird. Personally, I am afraid to get too picky while I am getting started. Once a flock is more established and we know what we have, egg size is easy to select for.

"Positive" red in the face is a disqualification, except above the eyes. Puffy faces is a fault unless it obstructs the vision. Maybe that will help put it in perspective. I do not know a lot about selecting for good faces, so I would want to discuss this with someone experienced with the breed.

When I look at this breed online, I see as many poorly typed birds as anything. I like the type of this breed. They are pretty good sized birds, without the all of the fluff. I like their station, with the slope of the back, with the angle of the tail. Their type is distinct from the Minorca, but I see a lot of Minorca looking birds with white faces.

I like the Spanish that Bridgette Riddle has. The pictures that I have seen anyways.

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