Poultry Breeds of Spanish Ancestry

Wright's book of Poultry? Would I find that online somewhere? Is that the link you shared with me earlier in the (or later last) year?
I do not think that I have, but maybe I did.

I still have some stuff to send you, and I am sorry that I have not. Now I need to find them again.

Yes, you can find it and read it online. It was written somewhere around 1900 I think. It is old, has some history, and the articles are quite detailed. I think you would like it. If I was interested in any of those three breeds, or any breed in the book, I would have to at least print that section.

I have been going back and reading different sections on different breeds.
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Several interesting places for Spanish information and images via friend in Leon, Spain I will share with you if there is interest. I will pull more.
I must say I love to see the history and evolution of these breeds, they pull old information and images. Google translate is my friend.
Juan is very helpful with my flock, I am grateful to have found him. Much can be lost in translation but he is wonderful with rewriting so it can be interpreted.

Imagenes, laminas, fotos de la internacional raza Española, Cara Blanca.


Gallina Castellana negra

Club Amigos de la Pita Pinta Asturiana "Rafael Eguiño Marcos"

Pita Pinta
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Sally, thank you for sharing that. If you ever run across anything on the Catalana,

I would appreciate seeing it. I have found a bit, but have not seen it all.
Is that the correct name for them, I have noticed that in Spain they tend to use scientific names for everything and I get confused!! Even in short conversation they speak in "long words" ha ha ha I will keep eyes open for you!
Is that the correct name for them, I have noticed that in Spain they tend to use scientific names for everything and I get confused!! Even in short conversation they speak in "long words" ha ha ha I will keep eyes open for you!
In the States the breed is officially called Catalana del prat Leonoda, and call them Catalanas. Even Cats for short.

You will notice that in Spain they use a variety of names, and yes they use a Latin name. It is easy to see why.

The name seams to be associated with the region, but interchangeable. Prat Leonoda seams to be used most often where they are from. Leonoda is the color, Catalana and Prat is the breed and location. They also come in white. I have never seen a breed called by so many variations of a name.
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A person from the region of Catalan joined BYC--CatalanState is the name they go by. They raise Catalanas, might be interesting to see what they might have to add to the conversation. The Catalana breed seems quite an ideal bird.


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