Pregnant barn cat *update* We have kittens!

Congratulations on the beautiful babies! Has your friend, the vet tech, been by to give Jack a checkup yet? I only ask because of my experience with my Mona (who gave birth at 5 1/2 months). It was Mona our vet wanted to see, just to be sure there were no retained tissues that could cause her to become infected. Your description of Jack looking to you for contact and reassurance reminded me of Mona's delivery. I think that was how we formed such a strong bond. I imagine young feline mothers have never had any kind of birthing classes and are quite understandably terrified by what is happening to them. Give her a pat and "good job!" for me.

They are so adorable! I think she just wanted your approval and pat! When they are in groups in the wild or in the barn the female cats stay together and help each other, so since she didn't have any other female cats and you were there you were it.
Give Momma a hug for me! What a Great way to start the day!
Congratulations on the beautiful babies! Has your friend, the vet tech, been by to give Jack a checkup yet? I only ask because of my experience with my Mona (who gave birth at 5 1/2 months). It was Mona our vet wanted to see, just to be sure there were no retained tissues that could cause her to become infected. Your description of Jack looking to you for contact and reassurance reminded me of Mona's delivery. I think that was how we formed such a strong bond. I imagine young feline mothers have never had any kind of birthing classes and are quite understandably terrified by what is happening to them. Give her a pat and "good job!" for me.

Thank you. :) No, she hasn't looked at them. I was thinking about asking her to, though.
They are so adorable! I think she just wanted your approval and pat! When they are in groups in the wild or in the barn the female cats stay together and help each other, so since she didn't have any other female cats and you were there you were it.
Give Momma a hug for me! What a Great way to start the day!

She waited until the last kitten was out to go into her box. After that she wanted to be left alone. I didn't mind. I was exhausted, too. =P
I'll pass on your hug. ;)
Congratultions to Jack and to you - what a night that must have been!!!! How in the world did Jack fit 6 babies in there??? It doesn't seem possible. I'm glad you and your mom were there to help too. I hope you all get some much needed rest today.
Congratultions to Jack and to you - what a night that must have been!!!! How in the world did Jack fit 6 babies in there??? It doesn't seem possible. I'm glad you and your mom were there to help too. I hope you all get some much needed rest today.

I couldn't believe she fit that many babies in there either! She did not look big enough for all that. Those babies must have been squashed in there! =P
I'm afraid we will have to wait for the whole "rest" thing tomorrow. We have two birthday parties today. This is me, stopping by the check on animals on our way to the next one!
*sleep deprived zombie face* @.@
Congrats. I'vge been tied up since this morning getting my Mom home from the hospital and settled so I didn't check the forum until now. Looks like Jack did a great job. Muffin needed our reassurance too. I petted her and talked to her the whole time. We have one that keeps climbing out of the box and wandering around the room now,

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