I made Preserved Garlic on Monday. I will start growing garlic, just so I can make more of this recipe, It is delicious. If you use caramelized garlic for cooking, you gotta try this!
Note: I used malt vinegar because I couldn't find sherry vinegar in our little country grocery store. And I love malt vinegar - I learned about malt vinegar at a Fish and Chips restaurant in Fort Collins, CO. So good on proper fries.
Definitely use 1/2 pint jars, there is alot of garlic in a half-pint. I used 1/4 pint jars, as I am the garlic fiend, DH not quite so much.

5 cups of peeled garlic cloves, about 2 pounds of whole garlic
1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon kosher salt
1/2 cup sugar
1/3 cup sherry vinegar

- Prepare jars for pressure canning.
- In a large saute pan, heat the oil and cook the garlic cloves over medium heat. Sprinkle the salt over them. Cook, stirring often, until they begin to brown. This can take anywhere from 8 to 20 minutes, depending on the heat you're using and how moist the garlic cloves are. Once they are starting to brown, mix the sugar into the pan and continue to cook until it begins to caramelize, about 2-5 minutes.
- Add the vinegar, turn up the heat to medium-high, and cook this down for a minute or two.
- Pack the garlic and the oil and juices into hot jars. Leave 1 inch of headspace. Wipe the rims of the jars and seal.
- Let the pressure build to 10 PSI before setting the timer. Process 10 minutes for half-pints, 20 minutes for pints. (If you are at altitude, you will need to go up to 15PSI. Follow the directions on your canner.)

From this web-page:
This is an interesting recipe. Would want to try some first before commiting that much Garlic to it though.
I made a 1/2 recipe - didn't want to mess with the whole 2 pounds, that is alot of garlic. Wish I would have went with the whole 2 pounds.

Try this conversion - but instead of canning it, cook it on low on the stove until the garlic is soft and caramelized.
1 c. garlic
1 1/2 Tablespoon olive oil
1/2 teaspoon of kosher salt
1 1/2 Tablespoon of sugar
1 Tablespoon of vinegar

It may not be exact, but it will give you an idea of the end product. The garlic turns a nice caramelly brown color and it is soft and spreadable.
The last 2 weeks I've started to get a lot of cucumbers.
I made 2 batches of Dill pickles and a batch of Bread & Butter pickles. I haven't made Bread & Butter pickles before so I hope we like them.

The last 2 weeks I've started to get a lot of cucumbers.
I made 2 batches of Dill pickles and a batch of Bread & Butter pickles. I haven't made Bread & Butter pickles before so I hope we like them.
View attachment 3190933
View attachment 3190934
I think my cucumbers are almost done……I still have 2 overflowing 5 gal buckets after peeling and slicing a bunch last weekend. We’re doing some as pickles and some tomato and cucumber salad
Question for those good at pressure canning: what is causing the liquid to boil out of some of our jars and how can we prevent it?
Are you keeping a decent headspace in the jars? Too little headspace and the lids won't fit good and can't seal. Also make sure you are wiping the jars before putting the lids and rings on
Are you keeping a decent headspace in the jars? Too little headspace and the lids won't fit good and can't seal. Also make sure you are wiping the jars before putting the lids and rings on
Yes we’re leaving proper headspace and wiping with vinegar prior to putting on rings and lids

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