I canned tomato sauce today, I think I have enough now... we will see. I got 9 pints today. I didn't bother taking out all the seeds again.
My Great Aunt gave me all of her canning jars several years ago. There were some really amazing ones for sure. I always check for cracks or chips so I feel fine using them. Here's one really neat design: (It looked really cool when I had my cherry pie filling in it.)


I made pickled beets, back in June, 7 pints and 3 quarts. We have already eaten all but 1 jar! I did give my Grandson and a friend, a quart each. I should of planted/pickled more! Obviously, I love beets! Borsch is also a favorite. I have never dehydrated any. How do you use them when dried? I, sometimes, make fruit based slushies, fortifying them with nutrients, from some dried or frozen vegetables, fruits and spices. I am sure the beets would make a delicious powder to add!
Depending on what color your beets are: red beet powder makes a good fake blood (according to my dad who is a first responder and has about a gallon of beet powder that he rehydrates to practice tourniquet-ing).
My Great Aunt gave me all of her canning jars several years ago. There were some really amazing ones for sure. I always check for cracks or chips so I feel fine using them. Here's one really neat design: (It looked really cool when I had my cherry pie filling in it.)

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OOOH! the 1980 Golden Harvest Pepsi jar!! That's a good one! Never seen one in person.
I have a bunch of peaches that I need to get canned up asap, and I planned on doing it tomorrow morning. However a girlfriend just made a pedicure appointment for us tomorrow and I will need to leave the house at 10:30 am.
Can I peal and slice the peaches in the morning and can them in the afternoon if I don't get them canned right away in the morning? I plan to treat to prevent browning ... but to wait about 4 hours may be too long. What do you think?
Probably too late but as long as they are in the non browning liquid and don't get warm you should be fine. I would keep in sink do they stay cold.
OOOH! the 1980 Golden Harvest Pepsi jar!! That's a good one! Never seen one in person.
I think my Great Aunt might have inadvertently made me a jar collector. :lau She gave me some other really neat ones, but I set them aside thinking they may not be the best to can with. But maybe.... to display? She gave me 4-6 of these Pepsi ones. 🥰
Finally! I've been saying it for days, but I finally sliced a bunch of cucumbers on the mandolin and packed them in a5 gallon food grade bucket with pickling brine and spices. There's about 4 gallons of pickle chips in the making now. I sliced them rather thin. I'd say 1/8 of an inch without actually measuring. They are consistent in thickness at least thanks to the mandolin. When these are pickled, I'm going to dehydrate them. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by the idea of how long it's going to take to dehydrate all of these pickle chips. I might look around at the goodwill stores and Facebook market for a larger dehydrator with multiple trays. I was intending to just use my air fryer oven that has a dehydrator setting, but it just had too trays and they are not very large. Not sure I'll find a large one on the cheap though.

Now how long do you let refrigerator pickle sit in the fridge before calling them done? Is 1 week enough? Need to give them at last 2 weeks like my canned pickles?
Finally! I've been saying it for days, but I finally sliced a bunch of cucumbers on the mandolin and packed them in a5 gallon food grade bucket with pickling brine and spices. There's about 4 gallons of pickle chips in the making now. I sliced them rather thin. I'd say 1/8 of an inch without actually measuring. They are consistent in thickness at least thanks to the mandolin. When these are pickled, I'm going to dehydrate them. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by the idea of how long it's going to take to dehydrate all of these pickle chips. I might look around at the goodwill stores and Facebook market for a larger dehydrator with multiple trays. I was intending to just use my air fryer oven that has a dehydrator setting, but it just had too trays and they are not very large. Not sure I'll find a large one on the cheap though.

Now how long do you let refrigerator pickle sit in the fridge before calling them done? Is 1 week enough? Need to give them at last 2 weeks like my canned pickles?
If you have a prime membership omn Amazon get one there cheaper

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