Pretty sure I just treated an imaginary infestation.


14 Years
May 18, 2009
Sooo, a couple of days ago one of my young pullet’s combs became paler than normal. I looked up reasons for this and one of them was a lice or mite infestation which I haven’t had a problem with in years. So I checked and although I didn’t see anything moving, I did see some tan colored dust around the base of her feather shafts on her back. I gave her tlc, nutridrench, and treated her, the other birds and the coop with permethrin. I was so convinced that I had an infestation that I gave another one of the birds who had a pale comb a bath today. It literally just had dirt. I did not see one moving. Insect anywhere. No egg clusters no missing feathers. But what I did find today was the first pullet egg from this group. So my question is, did I just pull a mommy dearest on my flock? like, “NO MORE NORTHERN FOWL MITES!!”
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I did the same earlier this year. It doesn't hurt them, and now our coops are super clean and mite-free. Yay!

But this feels like a confession. I am clearly phobic about illness/creepy crawlies when it comes to my chickens, and I need help. But the first step is admitting that I need help, right? So, here goes:

Hi. My name is Aunt Angus, and I'm a chicken hypochondriac.

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