Prevention of COCCIDIOSIS and other poultry diseases in chicks~ ACV.

Thank you Bee for posting this! I use a ton of ACV for a plethora of different reasons! I use it for my horses, my dogs, my birds and my family. I tried making my own two falls ago and failed miserably. I am so excited to try your method with the store bought vinegar. If it works it will be a much better fit to my lifestyle than trying to make it from scratch. This is awesome, can't wait to try it!!!! Thanks again!!

You use it on dogs too? What health benefit does it give em?
Same thing it does for everything....makes their intestines a less desirable place for parasites, supposedly interrupts the reproductive cycle of fleas that drink the blood, makes their coat shiny, increases immune system health, helps improve their intestinal health to better absorb nutrients.
Have noticed that since I started putting ACV in the water, my chickens drink more. It could be coincidental because they're drinking more during the molt as well, but they really seem to be drinking more.

I have tried adding a bit of bragg's to a gallon of store-bought ACV. Still clear. The pantry is about 60-65 degrees. No window. I just re-read this thread, and found the apple juice suggestion. Thing is, the dang bottle is opaque plastic, so I can't tell if the mother vinegar is working or not. I poured some out into a Pyrex measuring cup and it was clear so I'm assuming the mother hasn't spread or whatever. It's been a long time, more than two weeks. Will the apple juice help at this point? Should I start over?
I've never tried it with apple juice but it has worked every time I've done it with the plain ACV...but I use more than just a bit. I split bottles off...1/3 bottle of mother vinegar to 2/3 plain ACV.
Quote: I have a very old White West highland Terrier.(12) She has allergies galore, and it has progressed as she has aged. I used to take her to the Vets a couple times a year for allergy shots, pills, special shampoo, antibiotics and few other things. She was on a special diet. Now I just add ACV to her water bowl and ferment her dog food. Her allergies and stomach issues are few and far between now. I started her only 3 months ago on the change. She has had one occurrence since and it was mild..
I have a very old White West highland Terrier.(12) She has allergies galore, and it has progressed as she has aged. I used to take her to the Vets a couple times a year for allergy shots, pills, special shampoo, antibiotics and  few other things. She was on a special diet. Now I just add ACV to her water bowl and ferment her dog food. Her allergies and stomach issues are few and far between now. I started her only 3 months ago on the change. She has had one occurrence since and it was mild..

Omg, after chasing my dogs out of the FF for the chickens AGAIN and AGAIN today, and yesterday, and the day before... I started to wonder whether dog food could be fermented, since it's clear that they LOVE it. Mind sharing how you ferment dog food? What brand do you feed? My young male has some allergies that cause him to chew on his feet... I don't currently medicate him for it, but I'm wondering if this might help. Thanks!!
I have recently started using ACV after running out of ideas with my flock, they were several of them that were very sick, some had died. After only 5 weeks of acv I am very happy to say that most of my chickens have recovered and some have started to lay eggs again. this is after battling this off an on for about 6-8 months. So I am sold.
You would really love to try fermented feeds, I bet. It's like the ACV but X use the ACV in it and then the feed just gets better from there as it grows probios and helps the chickens absorb their nutrients even more! It has helped so many flocks, you just wouldn't's the link:

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