Price for heritage breed turkeys


11 Years
Aug 31, 2008
Berkley , Ma.
Ok here in Ma. or around the state of Mass.
how much would you sell your heritage breeds of turkeys for- that are about 14-16 weeks old ......... far as like ;

Royal Palms .............
Narragansett .........
Red Bourbon .................
.Blue Slates ...................
Golden Narragansett....................
Standard Bronze ...........................

What about the Broad Breasted Bronze and Gaint Broad Breasted White Turkeys which are about the same age

Thanks Alan
Royal Palms are around 20-40 each at that age
Blue Slates are a little chaper, around 40 a pair that age
I find standard bronze for free often, tons around.
Whites are about $2 a pound, weighing in between 15-20 pounds

that is in northwest ohio

Just found 3 year old bronze and RP for $30 each.
I see alot of heritage turkeys at the poultry auctions . They go for about $15 per bird

Wish I was closer to you I woulda definitely got some turkeys FTP
You !!

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