Prince William County, Virginia

First, get your group to write letters to prime the pump and get the ear of your elected representatives. Letters to the editor are a good idea too. Call the local papers and point out that your parish is far behind a national trend. Determine the path to success - start with who can change the ordinance, and meet personally with your elected representative at that level. Rarely do they work issues that don't bubble up to them so work down the chain board to board to committee to committee. Then get information to those members - often there's a website available with contact information for the members of various committees. Often these are volunteers, so offer your help in recrafting the ordinance. Get a copy of the current ordinance and mark it up - show how it's out of step with what's happening all around you and nationwide, and get it to all the decisionmakers you can. Make friends with the zoning and planning folks. I've found that in Prince William County these are good people and want to help. Pointing out inconsistencies and helping to straighten them out is always helpful. When meetings are held, be there, and encourage your contacts to do the same. Keep up the contact - one letter isn't enough - one a week is too much - one a month or so might be good. You want them to get the message that your group is dedicated and you're not going to go away. Then stay dedicated. Look for openings and press advantages. Be aware of opposition and be prepared to allay their fears. I've found a lot of folklore - stick with facts. Hens aren't noisey, but roosters are. Be polite, be courteous, be helpful. Network with others in the same position. Good luck!
Hats off to you Mr. Cole. I was wondering if you had any idea what the likelihood is of the legislation change, and what the possible time-frame might be? I live on a big piece of property in Prince William County with no HOA, and like most of my neighbors I had no idea that it was against the law to keep chickens until I decided to look into raising hens. I am allowed to hunt deer with a shotgun on my property, I can have horses or cows if I want, but I can't have a couple of chickens? Crazy. There are a lot of people right now in PWC raising chickens that have no idea they are doing anything wrong. When I called the county to get a definite answer if I was allowed to get chickens, the gentleman I spoke to was actually quite sympathetic (it took calls back from about 3 people before someone could answer my question). I got the impression that even the people in charge of enforcing the rule think it's silly.
I'm not sure the planning commission really supports making changes, so it's going to require a lot of pressure from citizens to get the board of supervisors to take action. Until a couple days ago I thought the planners favored the proposed change, but information sent to me since then makes me doubt that. If all goes well, it will come before the planning commission next month - either at the 9 or 16 June meeting - and if approved will move to the board of supervisors. I think best case would be an early July approval. Our group has been pressing for setbacks rather than acreage - which is more in keeping with laws around the country. I found the same thing as you with the county employees. The gentleman who told me we had to get rid of our chickens was quite apologetic. I also found when I called the planning department they didn't know the ordinance - I received various answers, from "you can have chickens on agricultural property" and "you can have chickens if you register as a bona fide farm" to "you can have chickens if you have more than 2 acres." All of these are wrong. Prince William County is more restrictive than Fairfax county - with 2 acres in Fairfax you can have 64 chickens. Still, Fairfax is out of sync with the national trends by not allowing chickens on smaller lots. Prince William is just a lot further out of touch. There is folklore about some great chicken upheaval a decade ago that is the source of the present draconian laws, but I haven't been able to find anything about it.

If you're interested in being added to my "chicken list" please contact me at [email protected].


Vic Cole
Those without cogent arguments often resort to hyperbole. Such is the case with Mr. Shannon. Likely he gained great amusement writing that article. But substitute "black" for "redneck" in his diatribe and he would be facing an onslaught. I hope he shows up at the next planning board meeting!
I would love to join the cause, but I don't want to bring attention over the issue to myself or my neighbors, if you catch my drift. I am a father of two young children, and they really enjoy the little taste of country living I provide them living on a 13 acre parcel of land. As for Mr. Shannon, if he is such a Fairfax County wannabe, then why doesn't he move back to Fairfax. I moved from Burke, VA ten years ago because I was getting harassed living on one acre of land, and I wanted to live like the "redneck" that I am. The appeal of PWC was it's rural lifestyle. I think a lot of the anti-chicken sentiment is just pure racism towards Hispanics, because everyone knows it's part of Hispanic culture to raise chickens. I think honestly it's just another way for PWC to try to make Hispanics feel unwelcome and "keep the Mexicans down" as Mr Shannon so "eloquently" stated. And for the record, I am neither Hispanic nor redneck white trash, my wife and I are professionals who just happen to like organic farming, raising chicken, and teaching our children to be self-sufficient. If there is anything I can do to support the movement while preserving my anonymity, please let me know.

Very well said. We totally agree.
We are professionals as well and own our business. We love raising chickens as pets, for show (my oldest wants to enter the fair), and for the fresh eggs. We also have multiple garden beds and I attempt to make my own salsa, tomato sauce and so on. We like this living - We need to be near the city due to work and are very involved in the schools and church. We just like what comes along with growing/raising your own food. I have even been trying to talk my husband into a potbellied pig. That's not going over to well at the moment. I agree with your remarks about the article with Mr. Shannon. He is very racist and has penned other articles linking to hispanics and so on.

You would have to check with Mr. Cole, but I think right now everyone we can get is a big help. I don't think names are really even mentioned. Mr. Cole and My husband Jeremy are really who is doing the talking - Mainly all thanks to the Coles. We do plan on attending any meetings possible to get this passed. We currently have chickens and don't want to see them go. We have 3 children and they love this experience. We even have eggs over at the school for the K class incubating (they are learning animal life cycles).
Puffedtoad -

I maintain two contact lists. One is public (name on To: line and all can see it) and one is private (all email is BCC:). We have many in your situation on the private list. Contact me at [email protected] if you are interested.
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Prince William County Chicken Update:
We have received a new update to the proposed revision for the ordinance dealing with poultry in Prince William County. The proposal allows for chickens and other fowl on property zoned agricultural and semi-rural down to 1 acre. It allows for roosters or guinea fowl on lots 1.5 acres and above. The issue will come before the county Planning Commission at 7pm on July 7th.
There will also be a planning session at 6pm during which the commissioners will discuss the topic but no public input is permitted. The planning commission meeting is held at the Prince William County complex in the board of county supervisors chambers in the McCoart Administration Building, 1 County Complex Court, Prince William, VA. Please – if you are able to attend we really could use your support! Anyone desiring more information (or transportation), or wants a copy of the proposal, please contact me at [email protected].
Vic Cole

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