PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

Yea OoLong is just a black tea! Was theirs a dried culture or a live culture! I just wonder why they said it would take 28 days! My mushroom started forming in 3 days and was full and tea done in 9 max!?

Yea OoLong is just a black tea! Was theirs a dried culture or a live culture! I just wonder why they said it would take 28 days! My mushroom started forming in 3 days and was full and tea done in 9 max!?


I agree, Erneie, where do people garner such nonsense?
Yea OoLong is just a black tea! Was theirs a dried culture or a live culture! I just wonder why they said it would take 28 days! My mushroom started forming in 3 days and was full and tea done in 9 max!?


I agree, Erneie, where do people garner such nonsense?


IKR I think you said that you were fermenting yours for like 14 days and using more sugar (which I may try) (2 cups to my 1.5 cups) Mine was done in 9 days the first batch and I removed the last one in 7 days after I taste tested it! Right now I am making 2 different batches in my homemade Kombucha incubator One with organic black tea and Another with My Organic green Tea! I am curious to see how the Black tea taste and am going to try a Red Roobios tea next! Time to start the expermentation process to better health for Me flock!! I do love the taste of the green tea Kombucha the problem is going to be keeping up with demand!! LOL

i don't have access that i know off off-hand... do you have a recommendation for a place to get them from?

Here is where I got mine from and they have tripled in size and its only been a little over a week! She will ship out the same day she gets your order! If I knew exactly how to ship I would send you some of mine!! Cause I am going to have to take mine in half pretty soon!


i appreciate it greatly!! i wish i could take some off your hands for you.

i'm going to order some now. kefir here we come!!!!!!!!!!!
i got 2 bred does for christmas too, so come spring i will have some goat's milk kefir too! yay!
Please be aware that chickens are lactose-intolerant and while probiotics are great for mammals, who are all weaned on milk they have no appreciable value for birds - who are not.
Here is where I got mine from and they have tripled in size and its only been a little over a week! She will ship out the same day she gets your order! If I knew exactly how to ship I would send you some of mine!! Cause I am going to have to take mine in half pretty soon!


i appreciate it greatly!! i wish i could take some off your hands for you.

i'm going to order some now. kefir here we come!!!!!!!!!!!
i got 2 bred does for christmas too, so come spring i will have some goat's milk kefir too! yay!

The Kefir Lady is a great source for Grains I had my first batch 24 hours after I received my grains and Now have almost triple the grains in 2 weeks or 2.5 weeks (They grow really fast and make some wonderful Kefir) Just follow her instructions and they will do great and you get a receipe book to boot so it is a good deal and you get a full quarter cup of Grains so in about 3 days you will be up to making a full quart a day !

I feed my ladies and Roo about a quart a week since I have plenty! I think it has helped the girls that were moulting to pull out of it faster (Nothing worse than a Naked chicken in the middle of winter) I am going to try the cheese before too long!!

Guess I am going to have to get my own goats so I can Have Goat milk Kefir!!!!!!!

I agree, Erneie, where do people garner such nonsense?


IKR I think you said that you were fermenting yours for like 14 days and using more sugar (which I may try) (2 cups to my 1.5 cups) Mine was done in 9 days the first batch and I removed the last one in 7 days after I taste tested it! Right now I am making 2 different batches in my homemade Kombucha incubator One with organic black tea and Another with My Organic green Tea! I am curious to see how the Black tea taste and am going to try a Red Roobios tea next! Time to start the expermentation process to better health for Me flock!! I do love the taste of the green tea Kombucha the problem is going to be keeping up with demand!! LOL


Ernie, I'm here with my daughter in Florida, and she too is doing black and green tea. She and her boyfriend both prefer the taste of the green tea, but I don't have any info about the green's fitness for kombucha. Historically and worldwide it's always been ONLY unflavored black tea used. It's "possible (?)" that the processes for making the two kinds of tea determines one's being better than the other... regardless of taste... I don't know.

Several vets and our local Extension Agent.

On the web: Lactase (the enzyme necessary to digest and process lactose) is encoded by a single genetic locus on chromosome 2.[12] It is expressed exclusively by mammalian small intestine enterocytes and in very low levels in the colon during fetal development - Wikipedia. lactase&f=false
Chickens do not possess the necessary enzymes to efficiently hydrolyze lactose into glucose and galactose.
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The lactose is utilized in the fermentation/culturing process. Fermented milk products are safe for some species that normally would have a problem digesting dairy, due to the lactose.

Probiotics include types of bacterias and organisms and their byproducts that have nothing to do with dairy. They have positive effects on the digestive systems. Our digestive systems are all seeded with various different probiotics that live in a symbiotic relationship with us. Some of the most beneficial bacteria produce a pH in the digestive system that's good for them and bad for some of the bad bacteria that can cause illness.

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