PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

Ernie, I only use scoby and some kombucha when brewing a fresh batch. Never vinegar. I think the taste is better. Now one of the places I work sells lots of kombucha, It is a dry facility, but i notice that some people smell like they have been drinking alcohol. Kombucha does contain small amounts of alcohol. I would seriously think about drinking the kombucha before driving a school bus. i think you are not impaired, but the public could have a witch hanging with it if they chose. I may be a bit over conscious, but I would rather err on the side of caution. Though I agree that I get a nice boost from it!

Yea I agree about the Alc content and Yea I don't drink it when I have to drive a bus Only in the evening when I get off after the driving day is done! Nothing like coming in and having a little glass of Kombucha before starting the chores in the evenings as a little pick me up and it doesn't seem to have so much pick me up that you can't sleep!!
Yea I found out about the not using the vinegar! I will never use vinegar again!!


I do drink my kombucha on the way home from work in the car. But I think not drinking it before driving a school bus is wise. Yeah, I like the taste of kombucha better w/o vinegar. Much smoother...
Yea I agree about the Alc content and Yea I don't drink it when I have to drive a bus Only in the evening when I get off after the driving day is done! Nothing like coming in and having a little glass of Kombucha before starting the chores in the evenings as a little pick me up and it doesn't seem to have so much pick me up that you can't sleep!!
Yea I found out about the not using the vinegar! I will never use vinegar again!!


I do drink my kombucha on the way home from work in the car. But I think not drinking it before driving a school bus is wise. Yeah, I like the taste of kombucha better w/o vinegar. Much smoother...

You using green tea or black tea???

I have gotten a pound of loose organic ceylon (black) tea, by frontier, through our co-op (hence the tea ball). I was using half green and black together, but when I bought the pound of tea, just starting using that. i like both kinds or mixture of both. I have thought about using white, but I wanted to keep the cost down.
Yea I have been using green cause that is what I had was Organic green but I got some Organic Oolong just before Christmas and made some of that (In the Jug now and about ready to strain! Might try the blend that sounds really interesting! I bought a second 1 gal jar at Thanksgiving so I am doing about 2 at a time! When the Oolong comes out I might try to mix some! I sampled the Oolong the other day and decided to wait a couple more days on it since I had green already! Might try some Ginger and orange peel in it when I decant it in a quart jar to see how it taste! I found a site on Kefir that says the old way of aging was with orange rind and Cimmamon bark so I have got a quart with that in it now to try!! I really like this fermenting thing and think it is doing great! Pretty sure That I feel better and am seeing some result for my efforts


This Has got to be quite a popular forum and between us all I am learning a lot
Yep that is my next venture after I get over the christmas aftershock LOL

I cant wait to start trying fermented veggies! You know the Oriental's were big into fermenting Veggies and Chinese medicine far exceeds our pill pushers most of the time! 100 year old eggs. Kimchee. Rice wine and so on and so on !

I have studied oriental culture quite extensively and there is a lot to the natural way of life and natural medicine and eating habits

No, go back to sleep; we'll wake you up when it's all over.

firsthouse_mp, firsthouse_mp, WAKE UP! THE WORLD'S ON FIRE!

Get those young'uns outa the house and off to school! It's finally YOUR vacation and r&r time.
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Well, I was going to order some kefir grains from the kefir lady's website, but happened to do a search on craigslist and low and behold, there is a woman 10 minutes down the road from me who is selling both kefir and kombucha! Yay! I'm hoping to pick some up tonight!

Quick question: I told her I probably only wanted to start with one since I'm new to this, and I was thinking the kefir. She said that it should be no problem to have both because I can keep them in the fridge until I am ready to use them. Is this true? If I start with the would I go about keeping the kombucha dormant in the fridge?

Another question....I've read here and elsewhere that you should age both fermentations for a few days after removing the culture. Do any of you use airlocks to do so? My father makes wine and I'm sure i could get some extra airlocks from him so there is no risk of explosion in my fridge or counter! My fiance drinks soda (I refuse to keep the stuff in the house- but he buys it when he's at work) and I'm hoping by having a slightly fizzy drink it will help to wean him off of that nastyness! Do both beverages increase in carbonation as they age?

Oh, and I saw this question asked before but didn't see an answer, do any of you feed the kombucha to your chickens?

I always have waaaay too many questions...sorry!

vmdanielsen, I've studied ayurveda a bit. It's fascinating. I even attended a seminar a few years ago hosted by Melanie and Robert Sachs. There is a lot to learn in that paticular field of study-- I've been exposed to it for years (Worked in the spa and wellness industry since the age of 16, and I'm 28). I still feel like I've barely brushed the tip of the iceberg though

Thanks guys! Andrea
Andrea, if it were I, I would choose only ONE and not try to store a kombucha scoby; it just doesn't sound "safe"; however, kefir grains can be stored safely. You can always get the other one when you're ready, so why bother chancing storage.
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