PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

Thanks Ginny....Yes, In defense of food is a good one too. Michael Pollan is really spot on with his work.

I love the no knead breads! I've even made bagels with some of the dough....and having freshly baked bread in the house is just the sure is hard not to eat it all in one sitting! That's one thing I forgot to include in my post: Everything in moderation!
I could eat two loaves of bread a day slathered in fresh butter.....but, I try my best to resist!

When you say 'no knead bread' do you mean a 'batter bread' like banana nut bread? I would love to have some recipes for the ones you like....I'm trying to cook with more whole grains and am getting ready to start a kefir culture.


I'd also love a no-knead bread recipe. Though I suspect simply making 'normal' bread and adding more liquid might do the trick.
[email protected] :

Hello everyone.

I am new to BYC and kinda new to raising chickens. I stumbled upon this thread, and I'm truely interested in the Kefer and would like to try it myself.

I was born & raised on a working dairy farm (with chickens) until 15 when a fire destroyed most everything. Until then, I drank cows milk straight from the cow and never even tasted store bought milk. Once I tried store milk, I loved the taste and never drank milk straight from the cow again. However, I was my most healthyest and felt my best way back then. Now, I've transplanted to Alabama with my family (years later as an adult), and I just feel terrible most days. Doctors can't find anything wrong with me. I've been poked and proded and still they tell me I'm fine, but I feel like crap and completely drained of all energy. I have also developed IBS and I suspect Lactose Intolerance.

I have never been a health food nut, nor do I buy anything that is fat free, low fat, reduced fat, sugar free, or low in sodium. I think that when they alter the food, they are taking away vital nutritions and adding chemicals. I also don't take any kind of suplements or vitamins, because I see them as a chemical and not real nutritions. I have always had a garden every summer, but I'm finding it hard to continue this in the south with the red clay dirt. My gardening is not what it used to be in Pennsylvania.

But, after reading this entire thread, I think I might just give the Kefer a try. I need to do some checking in my area to see what I can find available. I have 2 ladies down the road that raise goats, but don't know if they milk them. I also have a working dairy farm about 15 miles away. Guess I'll be checking to see if I can get milk from any of them. I've heard about a farmers market also in our area, but I've never been there. I'll need to make a trip there too.

I'm excited to try Kefer and see if it will help me to start feeling better once I introduce it to my system. I hope it taste good. I remember trying buttermilk as a child and hating it. I am also going to try the homemade yogurt. My kids and I just love it. If I can make it cheaper and healtier, I'm all for that. I've already located the organic yogurt in the store to get me started. I'm interested in seeing what positive effects it all will have on my chickens as well.

Well, hello agian, and wish me luck.

Hi there icoode

I had to run earlier but wanted to get back and touch on some of your comments! I don't really consider myself a health nut though I do workout 3 times a week and I do some body building supplements but they are more natural ones NOT THE Steroids!! I do eat healthy trying to stay away as much as possible from processed foods and sugars and also using the probiotics everyday! Meditation and breathing is also a big part of my health regime! It is great to relive stress and calm you and The body is designed to heal itself but WE HAVE to know how to help it do that plus the fact that we are subjected to so many polutants in the world today (Heavy metals/ air polutants / Carbon Monoxide / Carcinogens just to name a few! Andrea claims she doesn't work out but in reality she just doesn't realise it! A walk outdoors is just as good health wise as an Hour workout in a Gym! Seven years ago I worked in an Office as a manager living on processed foods and eating totally wrong! I had a condition that had a great impact on my Life! I had bells palsey, I woke up one morning and took a drink and water ran from the corner of my and the left side of my face was sagging and eye w ouldn't blink so I went to the doctor and they diaganosed the condition and low and behold what do they prescribe Steroids and PILLS naturally what every good doctor does LETS SEE IF THIS WORKS!! After 2 weeks Condition was still the same or maybe worse So I started researching other avenues HENCE came Traditional chinese medicine! Accupuncture~2 weeks later after herbal therapy and accupunture the face returned to almost normal~

I now have no residual effects from it and have really started looking more into the herbals and what they do and am now doing the Kombucha and Kefir! I am convinced that the more natural way is the best way! Even thou I may not totally eat only veggies (I still like a good steak on the grill and I love my fresh Organic Eggs that I collect daily) I am still living a healthier lifestyle by raising a garden and eating fresh veggies and all and am feeling better for it!!

You're right Ernie, if I worked in an office all day, i would need to do more "standard" workouts!

I just hate being stuck in a gym- I'd rather find a sport to play, go for a walk, spend a bunch of time in the garden, play with the dogs, work on our house, etc!

I go into a gym and my soul shudders!!
But, I admire those who can do it!

I will say that I have taken yoga classes and really enjoyed those....

I LOVE acupuncture!
Thanks Ginny....Yes, In defense of food is a good one too. Michael Pollan is really spot on with his work.

I love the no knead breads! I've even made bagels with some of the dough....and having freshly baked bread in the house is just the sure is hard not to eat it all in one sitting! That's one thing I forgot to include in my post: Everything in moderation!
I could eat two loaves of bread a day slathered in fresh butter.....but, I try my best to resist!

When you say 'no knead bread' do you mean a 'batter bread' like banana nut bread? I would love to have some recipes for the ones you like....I'm trying to cook with more whole grains and am getting ready to start a kefir culture.

The no- knead bread is basically a wet, yeasted bread dough that is just a little higher in moisture content than traditional. It's not really a batter type of dough. The "artisan bread in five minutes a day" book is a good introduction to the subject, they made a follow up book that uses whole grains. You make a really large batch of dough and pull off a chunk whenever you want it, shape it, let it rise, and bake it! Easy. I've altered the recipes over time to suite my taste.
Thank you everyone for the welcome. I guess I still have some homework to do and some books to buy for research.

Back to the yogurt, can I make it with the milk we buy from the store? I buy Whole milk, Grade A Pastureized an Homoginized. Will that work for the yogurt or do I need fresh milk? Also I was planning to puree strawberries and banana's to mix into it for the kids. That would be ok right?

Andrea - Thanks for the manure ideas to mix with the red clay. We have a friend that has horses and another guy that has beef cows. We can get manure from either one of them. My husband said we could do that in the next couple of weeks.
I love to garden and grow fresh food. I'm dying to get a spice garden going this summer.
[email protected] :

Thank you everyone for the welcome. I guess I still have some homework to do and some books to buy for research.

Back to the yogurt, can I make it with the milk we buy from the store? I buy Whole milk, Grade A Pastureized an Homoginized. Will that work for the yogurt or do I need fresh milk? Also I was planning to puree strawberries and banana's to mix into it for the kids. That would be ok right?

Andrea - Thanks for the manure ideas to mix with the red clay. We have a friend that has horses and another guy that has beef cows. We can get manure from either one of them. My husband said we could do that in the next couple of weeks.
I love to garden and grow fresh food. I'm dying to get a spice garden going this summer.

I just noticed your city is that Oak grove Missour???? If so we are like neighbors!!!!

When you say 'no knead bread' do you mean a 'batter bread' like banana nut bread? I would love to have some recipes for the ones you like....I'm trying to cook with more whole grains and am getting ready to start a kefir culture.


I'd also love a no-knead bread recipe. Though I suspect simply making 'normal' bread and adding more liquid might do the trick.

My favorite no knead bread recipe
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I make kefir with fresh milk and yogurt with store bought since I heat the milk for yogurt. To make yogurt I heat the milk to 170 degrees until it gets bubbly. I stir it so it does not form a skin. Then I cool it to 110 degrees (I pour it while hot into my jar of choice a 1 gallon pickle jar to help sterilize it and let it cool there). Once it is cool I add the yogurt culture (Greek yogurt does use a different culture that is milder) I add 1 cup yogurt to every 8 cups milk (approximately) I then put the half full jar in my crock pot and fill around it with water. I then turn my crock pot onto the lowest temp warm. On warm mine keeps the milk around 110 which is ideal. Over 115 and things go funky. after 6 to 12 hours I take it out and refrigerate it. Since I like thicker yogurt I put a plain white paper towel in a strainer over a bowl and let some of the whey drain out till the yogurt is the consistency I like. The whey is the same as the dehydrated whey people but for protein shakes. I find it is best added to lemonade. It can also be used to help preserve many foods.

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