PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

Been watching a listening to your project here and we are big Kefir fans I would LOVE to start some handmade Kefir for us and I suppose those chooks, I have taken upon starting my own Mother starter for sourdought bread. Really need to get back to those basics!!! Can someone point me to the site or whomever is selling the grains??? I can feed my Mother & Kefir just like another pet.
Wow, you think milk is in everything~
You ought to try being Celiac and having to take steroids from time to time.
It is immuno suppressing, but also can make you manic, like very happy and up all night, and then go off the steroid and plumit into drug induced diabetes.
Wheat, gluten tears up the intestines and makes it difficult or impossible to absorb vitamins minerals or for your intestine to produce the lactase necessary to drink milk produces.
Oddly, I could always get a fresh COLD gallon of goats milk and drink a big glass down and have no difficulties.
The odd ball drugs I have to take to suppress my over active immunal system can make my life so miserable.
I hope none of you ever have to endure it, nor it's 'sisters' Chrones and Irritable Bowel.
I have the whole nine yards: Hashimotos, Raynaud's, Addison's, Celiac Sprue.
yes it is in so many foods in so many forms:: MSG is a big no no:: Monosodium GLUT temate..La Choy Soy Sauce the ony one without it.
Watch for ""Modified Food Starch"" as that often is wheat as it is used to thicken everything...sometimes I have to admit things can get surreal when taking steroids to suppress the immunal system.
I apologize to anyone I have appeared to insult.
So. I have to avoid milk, wheat, barely, rye, most oats, soy apparently..and we are still working on the rest that causes the pain and blisters and other symptoms.
It is a daily challenge.
Good luck with you all with chicldren with allergies and intolerances~
Contact me PM if you need help with an auto immune disorder, I will do all I can to help.
Ok... I looked far and wide.... but I found the "No Kneed Bread" recipie!!! I can't wait to try it.

No-Knead Dutch Oven Bread

1/4 tsp active dry yeast
1 1/2 cups warm water
3 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting. You may use white, whole wheat or a combination of the two.
1 1/2 tsp salt
Cornmeal or wheat bran for dusting

In a large bowl, dissolve yeast in water. Add the flour and salt, stirring until blended. The dough will be shaggy and sticky. Cover bowl with plastic wrap. Let the dough rest at least 8 hours, preferably 12 to 18, at warm room temperature, about 70 degrees.

The dough is ready when its surface is dotted with bubbles. Lightly flour a work surface and place dough on it. Sprinkle it with a little more flour and fold it over on itself once or twice. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and let it rest for about 15 minutes.

Using just enough flour to keep the dough from sticking to the work surface or to your fingers, gently shape it into a ball. Generously coat a clean dish towel with flour, wheat bran or cornmeal. Put the seam side of the dough down on the towel and dust with more flour, bran or cornmeal. Cover with another towel and let rise for about 1 to 2 hours. When it’s ready, the dough will have doubled in size and will not readily spring back when poked with a finger.

At least 20 minutes before the dough is ready, heat oven to 475 degrees. Put a 6- to 8-quart heavy covered pot (cast iron, enamel, Pyrex or ceramic) in the oven as it heats. When the dough is ready, carefully remove the pot from the oven and lift off the lid. Slide your hand under the towel and turn the dough over into the pot, seam side up. The dough will lose its shape a bit in the process, but that’s OK. Give the pan a firm shake or two to help distribute the dough evenly, but don’t worry if it’s not perfect; it will straighten out as it bakes.

Cover and bake for 30 minutes. Remove the lid and bake another 15 to 20 minutes, until the loaf is beautifully browned. Remove the bread from the Dutch oven and let it cool on a rack for at least 1 hour before slicing.
I actually started a new batch of sourdough starter just yesterday! My old batch kept getting shoved to the back of the fridge and I had forgotten to feed it in I can't tell you how long, so, I decided to start a new one. Smells good already...........

I may have found a source for some fresh goat's milk. If I try it and I like it, I may be able to trade eggs for it! Yay!

Well, it's the end of day 5 without a hasn't been easy, but I am working through it. I have found that as long as I stay busy, I don't think about it, and then I'm ok. The hardest thing isn't the nicotine (for me, anyway) it's the habit itself. Not lighting up as soon as I get into the car is a really big one, talking on the phone is another. Boy, is my house clean though!

Still waiting on my cultures-hopefully tomorrow. I bought 2 gallons of milk today so that I am prepared-plus I want to make a new batch of yogurt and maybe some buttermilk.......hmmmm, I may need more milk!
Congratulations WCW, day 5 thats great.....if you can find natural hard candy thats suppose to help, My husband sucks on hard candy constantly since he gave up nicotine. also gum I found gum sweetened with xyilotol on Vita Cost web site.
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I actually started a new batch of sourdough starter just yesterday! My old batch kept getting shoved to the back of the fridge and I had forgotten to feed it in I can't tell you how long, so, I decided to start a new one. Smells good already...........

I may have found a source for some fresh goat's milk. If I try it and I like it, I may be able to trade eggs for it! Yay!

Well, it's the end of day 5 without a hasn't been easy, but I am working through it. I have found that as long as I stay busy, I don't think about it, and then I'm ok. The hardest thing isn't the nicotine (for me, anyway) it's the habit itself. Not lighting up as soon as I get into the car is a really big one, talking on the phone is another. Boy, is my house clean though!

Still waiting on my cultures-hopefully tomorrow. I bought 2 gallons of milk today so that I am prepared-plus I want to make a new batch of yogurt and maybe some buttermilk.......hmmmm, I may need more milk!

Great Job on the stopping smoking!Wish I could find some goats milk here but alas so far no luck!

What is the best type of milk to use in your Kefir I have to go to the store today and just ordered my grains so....... Don't think goats milk is it for me , DH maybe but not me!?

I make soap with that!

Congrats WCW for the challenge It's been many years for me , you are right keep your hands busy and try to stay out of your (normal) routine!
I Prefer Raw cows milk but if you cant get that they you can use almost any kind of milk except the Ultra Pasteurised Kind which is basically Dead Milk! The grains really grow better in fresh raw milk! The production rate is better the higher the milk fat! That is my experience!


I have made the 'crusty rustic' bread recipe found in Mother Earth Magazine dec 2007/Jan 2008 issue, and make it for my family.
Then I scrub my dutch oven and made a loaf by the same directions, but with Bob's Red Mill Gluten free bread mix, for me and this is it.
Thumped on it and it turned out fantastic !
I was so excited to get to have crusty french bread !!!

And, can Kefir be made gluten free , with goats milk instead of cow's milk ?

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