PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

The carrots are supposed to be able to keep indifinitely. I have yet to have a jar still have some after 6 months.

My mom has a friend that makes pickled quail eggs. I have been curious as to how they are made. If anyone wants to share a recipe, I would love it. I have never tried pickled fish either and would love that.
I think pickled Quail eggs are different than my pickled eggs. I've seen them in the local markets and they are white while mine are red from the beets.

Here's my old family recipie:
1 can whole beets
1 can sliced beets
1 cup white vinegar
1 lg glass jar w/ lid (I use a gallon sized pickle jar)
12-18 hard boiled eggs (shells removed)
Water to fill jar

Open the cans of beets and pour into the jar. Add 1 cup vinegar. Add enough eggs to fill the jar, leaving 1" from the top. Fill the jar with enough water to cover eggs. Put lid on the jar and put in the fridge for 1-2 weeks, shaking/mixing every 3-4 days. Eggs are done and ready to eat when the whites are colored purple thru and thru. The yokes usually don't turn purple(not sure why).

To make a second batch with remaining beets and broth, simply add 1 can of beets and 1/2 cup vinegar, eggs to fill jar, & water. After the second batch of pickled eggs, discard remaining contents and start from scratch to make more.

My clan likes to eat the beets just as much as the eggs. Great with salt & pepper.
Great, now I'm hungry for pickled eggs. Gonna have to get my jar out!!!

P.S. Cut the recipie in half for smaller jars. I don't know the shelf life for this recipie, mine usually don't last longer than a week tops before they are gone. And then I usually always make a second batch, so I'd say use your best judgement.
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feather baby
This is the recipe i follow, from Mother EArth news! It is very delicious!! If the link doesn't work I can copy and paste the recipe. It is very easy, you just have to plan ahead!. to make uasing WW I add up to 1/3 ww flour. If I want to add more WW, I also add vital wheat gluten because I think just plain WW make a loaf that is too dense. Sometimes I add rye for a little variation. Ginny

thanks Ginny, I copied it and two others from the same site. I'll have to see which one is the most "Idiot Proof" and use it. I'll let you know how it comes out.
Trying to quickly catch up on this thread-my Wifi on my netbook quit working so I can't get on line at home-I am at my DS's house right now catching up on some emails and such. Hopefully I can get my computer fixed when I get home so I can get back online anytime I want and keep up with everyone here! My kefir seems to be doing fine. Strained once, second straining tomorrow. I can't wait to start drinking my own homemade kefir! I can try my Kombucha tomorrow and see how it's going, it smells delicious! I will be ready to make some sourdough bread by Saturday-yay! Still not smoking, and I made through the entire Packer game on Saturday with nary a drop of alcohol (drinking just makes me want to smoke, so I am avoiding even a glass of wine right at the moment). Happy fermenting, everyone!

P.S. Kefir Krazies sounds like a great name for our little group!

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