PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

WCW- Good Game
My family loves pickled eggs. Kids love them so much, a gallon jar barely last 3 days when I make them.

I use an old family recipie to make them using beets and vinegar. Store them in the fridge for a week or so, then whala... the kids tear them up. I usually manage to get at least one before they are gone.

That sounds good with beets...I love pickles beets !
Last time I made pickled eggs I do it in a big 1 gallon jar, and added striped bell peppers, a few sliced jalapenos, and a handful of cauliflower, a few sliced carrots, and you can stuff cabbage leaves in...all goes in the refridgerator a few days then I dump it and add fresh vinegar-pickles spice solution.
My Mom does pickled mushrooms::
So easy, bring about 2 quarts of water to a simmer, and toss in a few handfuls of medium mushrooms, after a minute they turn brown, shrink a bit and are glossy, dip them out.
Place in a strainer.
When they are all done, we put in a jar, with 3/4 wine vinegar, and 1/4 EVVO, add S&P to taste and any few spigs of cayenne seed.
Keep in the fridge and the EVOO will get hard.
She keeps hers on the counter top, and adds to any antipasto tray like the other pickled stuff.
Keifer recipe: Dutch baby pancakes

1/2 c whole wheat flour
1/2 c kefer
4 eggs (if jumbo 3)
1/2 t vanilla
1/4 t salt
1/2 cup water
2 Tablespoons butter
12 in cast iron pan

soak flour in keifer for 12 to 24 hours. The longer you soak the softer the flour cooks up.
pre heat pan in oven at 400 degrees
Put the soaked flour with all the other ingredients in the blender and blend first at low till mixed and then at high for 1 to 2 minutes.
put some butter in the hot pan and swirl it around to grease the whole pan.
Pour mix in pan and put in oven.
LOWER TEMP TO 350 degrees
cook for about 25 to 30 minutes till puffed and brown.

we put butter lemon juice and powder sugar on ours.
Ok, I couldn't wait to try my Kefir. It just smelled so good, like corn flakes.

My second batch was aged in the fridge for 1 1/2 days with vanilla and honey. I pulled the blender out and blended it with peaches, ice, more honey, and of course the Kefir, to make my smoothies. I loved it!! It was just delicous.

Even all the kids tried it and liked it. For the last 4 days they have been looking at me like I was crazy for making it. Now they love it. I am so happy I came accross this thread. I read somewhere that we should start slowly with the Kefir when introducing it into our systems. So I didn't make that much. Just enough for everyone to get 1-2 ounces each. I don't want to over do it when we are just starting.

But we all LOVED IT!!!

Kids are requesting strawberries in the next batch. I'm thinking blueberries soon. Yummy!!! ;P
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Concerning unrefined coconut oil. . .
I've used Nutiva, Spectrum and now order from because we use so much I buy in bulk.
It can replace crisco in any recipe and unless it calls for olive oil I try to use the vco in most instances.

I made little sour dough biscuits yesterday and they were a huge hit. Nothing fancy looking at all but yummy.

makes 16 small buns

1 3/4 cup flour
almost one cup kefir
1 tsp sea salt
mixed ingredients should be somewhat sticky
cover in bowl (room to grow) with cling wrap in warm location
12-24 hours knock down when well risen
divide into small balls placed on well greased/floured cookie sheet, butter tops before baking

425 degrees

bake 5-7 minutes

recipe off Nourishing Traditions
Keep those recipes using Kefir coming!!!!!!!!

Eventually we need a Kefir Krazies Kookbook! I'm sure most people think we are Kooks anyway. HA!

I didn't get to make my refrig bread yet, had a little emergency with my 85 year old mom. She fell, again. This time we didn't have to go to the hospital, thank goodness, but I'm watching her very closely for a few days. I guess the bread will have to wait for a 'normal' day. You know what they say about 'normal' don't you? It's just a setting on your dryer.
I've ordered my coconut oil from Tropical Traditions, Coconut Oil Online, Wilderness Family Naturals and picked up Spectrum Naturals and Nutiva from the health food store. Maybe the jar of Spectrum Naturals was old, having sat on the shelf for who knows how long. It tasted and smelled a little "off."

If you want a super easy way to get more raw coconut oil in your diet, plus, you like the taste of peanut butter...Tropical Traditions Organic Coconut Peanut Butter is good enough to eat off the spoon or on celery sticks. Sometimes I mix it into green smoothies and add some raw cocoa powder too--very yummy.

I can't remember the last time there was a can of Crisco in our's got to be over 15 years and I bought it specifically for seasoning cast iron. Once it was used up, I didn't bother buying any more. I've been using butter, coconut oil, and homemade lard for baking.

IMO, coconut oil enhances the chocolate flavor in brownies and those no-bake oatmeal cookies. For the brownies, I use a higher coconut oil : butter ratio; lower coconut oil ratio for the cookies.
Here is my third batch of kefir. I still haven't tasted any yet, but after I get my honey and fruit today, I'll be in kefir heaven! Can't wait!


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