PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

No I have access to Whole raw cows milk and use that! But you can use the whole store bought milk and it works Fine! I think that is what Sandi is using (Featherbaby) and it seems to work fine

No, I never strain my Kombucha tea. I simply pour off the mother and a bit of tea into a quart mason jar and then reintroduce it to new tea the same day. It takes a week to brew the tea, but the mushroom takes much longer to grow.

Sometimes, I strain my tea. I will decant it after a week, but not drink it right away.,,Sometimes the decanted tea will grow what i call a "jelly fish". Not a full mother( though it would be ,if I left it alone). I do not like to drink it and get a "jelly fish" in my mouth. The loose colonies are fine, but not the solids. Drinking it is OK, I just don't like the feeling in my mouth!

I always strain off the Jelly fish and the squiggleys and use about 2 cups of the made tea to start my next batch and age the strained tea in the fridge for a week ! OK so I dont get much age time as I drink it right away! I am trying something new as I Have a Pint jar that i took of done tea and jellyfish and am letting it set to see if it will form a mushroom for me! My tea almost always grows a mushroom in the first week and is ready to go! I go a lot by taste as to when I decide it is ready to go


If the Pint jar thing works I will have some Kombucha to share as well as my Kefir

Ginny do you want me to send you some Kefir grains to see if mine react better for you! If so just PM me and we will work it out

This thread is making my head spin it goes so fast !!
Yes. However, using kefir to soak the flour predigests it, neutralizing the phytates and enzyme inhibitors present, so that the flour's nutrients can be absorbed by the body.

Thank You!
I actually have a yogurt maker but I can't find the recipe darn it. Well, I checked the Kefir this morning and it has those little pockets of whey. Should I seperate now or let it seperate even more?

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