PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens


I can see right now that all these recipes are not only awesome and delish, but are healthy too...and I am gonna weigh 300 pounds !!

The best part is how it builds are bones. and how much better it is than eating calcium pills the size of chihuahuas.
None the less...gotta move to the groove, if I do not cook it, I do not eat it, see what I mean ??
You girls is gonna make the chickielady FAT!!!!!!!
I had a mad scientist moment and put it in my DH's coffee... Don't ever do that

My hubby likes it in oatmeal and mixed with jello to make a whip

I ran low on fruit, sooo I mixed the Kefir with some chocolate syrup and my kids loved it.
Since the Kefir was a little thick, it was kinda like a chocolate milk shake. I have some strawberry syrup also. It's pretty good that way too.

My oldest son refused to try it, but he loved the Kefir ice cream!! Now that he knows it was made with Kefir, he's trying it other ways too. He actually tried and liked the smoothies a couple days ago. But my DH.... now he refuses to try it and since he don't drink or eat very much milk or milk products... its going to be a harder sell for him.

I just mailed my sister some Kefir grains today. It's the first time I had enought to share with anyone. I think she will really enjoy it as much as we all do.

If your DH doesn't like milk try the water kefir. With fruit juices it is like a healthy soda. It does smell like kefir so don't let him sniff it. It tastes much better than it smell.s.
Thanks Andrea
I am gonna give the meade a try and see how it comes out! Right now I have Dutch baby pancakes in the oven and trying them!!! OMG They smell wonderful I can hardly wait to try them Mmmmmmmmmmm! Next is going to be Sandi Choclate cake !!! Nothing better than a glass of Kefir and the smell of cooking dutch baby pancakes Made with Homemade kefir


How were the dutch baby pancakes?​
How were the dutch baby pancakes?

Ok my Kefir Krazies The Dutch Baby Pancakes were FANTASTIC! I used just butter and Honey on them since I didn't have any lemon juice but am gonna have to try that too with the lemon and Powdered sugar! Also thought maybe some good ole english brandy butter would be Wonderful or maybe berries and whipped cream! OMG the variances are endless!! Maybe add some Honey to the batter and just puit butter on them when they are thru

I made the Dutch baby pancakes last night too & they were fabulous!

BTW I figured out why I was getting so many "curds" with my kefir. My grains had multiplied so much that they were fermenting the milk too quickly. I didn't think they had really gotten that much bigger, but when I measured them to check, they had grown to almost half a cup & I was still only adding about three cups of milk. That combined with the fact that the cabinet I have them in is very warm was speeding up the process (I think). Yesterday I checked my container that I had started in the morning about 12 hours later and it was already quite thick with smalll pockets of whey in the bottom. I went ahead and strained It & divided My grains. I'm going to start the Mead this morning.
UKyou- how do you keep the water kefir grains dormant, and can you keep them that way for a decent amount of time? I'd like to get some if you have extra to share, but I've got too many Mason jars of goodies fermenting right now. I have no room for them. Can they stay dormant in the fridge for awhile?

Good morning all you kefir granies! Well my dh thinks I have really gone over the edge, since I have always eaten strange to him, yogurt, butter milk, kefir, you know all those weird things lol, he told a friend on the phone the other morning yes we just finished breakfast, I had cereal and a breakfast bar, My wife had something that had a green color to it, and she said it was good....I had mixed spirulina into my yogurt. ...anyway don't know if I'll ever get him to openly like it I'll have to sneak it in somehow..
yup. You can keep it dormant in the fridge. I cool my in the fridge for a day before I ship. Pm me for the grains.

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