PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

I still have my 2 front ones
But do you have any teeth??

Now that is funny there!!!

Hi all haven't been on in a day or so been preparing for the next great wave of weather here in the great state Of Missouri! 18 inches of snow you got to be kidding me that is just over the edge! We never get that much snow!! OMG!!

So I have had dutch baby pancakes and kefir smoothies and all the fresh kefir that I care to drink and fed My little feathered angels 1 quart every other day! I have gotta try doing the Laban (Cheese starter)

I love the receipe for the raisin bran muffins and have gotta do the bread!! HMMMMMMM if it snows that much I may be able to do some stuff around here with my kefir and Kombucha

OH Yea forgot I have water kefir brewing on my counter too but have to go get some Honey to make my Honey Brew with!!

You know all we should work on a cookbook for Kefir

At the end of the day I mix it in with the stuff that is left in their bowl the leftovers that i would ordinarily dump out and mix in 2 quarts of kefir and stir and then just stan back cause you don't want to be in the middle of Kefir flinging!! LOL

I just found that I could grow my own stevia plant
I wonder what it would taste like to put a fresh leaf in a smoothie.

On a different note. Have any of you ever feed you chickens fermented vegetables? I make Beet Kvass and tomorrow morning my chickens are getting a whole mass of fermented beets. They always act like they are shocked my the first few bites. Ans then they devour them.
OH YA.. RAW...

I have yet to try stevia.. It wold be fun to try and grow it.!

Keep in mind stevia is not a sugar so do not use it in a water kefir or Kombucha culture..

At the end of the day I mix it in with the stuff that is left in their bowl the leftovers that i would ordinarily dump out and mix in 2 quarts of kefir and stir and then just stan back cause you don't want to be in the middle of Kefir flinging!! LOL


I do a similar thing. I do it in the AM....They get cooked mashed winter squash( for know, I am almost out of home grown and don't know how expensive it will be to buy). I make a well in the squash and pour the kefir in that. Think mashed potatoes and gravy. I put fresh greens on top of that. Mostly sprouted oats, sometimes left over salad. I have fed straight kefir, too. I just found that no matter how hard the chooks tried to lick the bowl, they couldn't get all the kefir out. Besides, I think they like a nice warm breakfast when it is below 0. I am really glad I found this site because some people are just as nuts as I am. It's like coming home!!,especially this thread.

Ukyou, do you find a difference in poo when you feed beets? The first time i did it was redder. But then mine is too when I eat beets. I shouldn't have been surprised!!

PS why is it that you see more spelling errors after you hit submit?
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I have grown stevia in a pot right outside my back door. It's great to just pinch a leaf off and chew.. It's not a hardy perennial so it won't come back the next year unless you have a green house or maybe a nice sunny window, but in zone 51/2 it won't make it.

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