PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

I think so...anybody with proof?

I have a lot of hearsay about the heat killing the bacteria but I am not sure about that! I have never found anything that has solid scientific evidence about that but guess that it is that way! I will keep doing some reasearching and see what I can find out Since i have always wondered about that

I for one have not had any issues with my stomach while drinking kefir! To the alter I have seen great improvement in my stomach as I am lactose intollerant and milk products bloat me This includes anything made with milk such as gravy and the like!! I drink Kombucha and Kefir everyday and have seen improvements in my stomach conditions and am not having any issues at all

I think that you could store the kefir in them Kefir does not have the habit of picking anything up from plastic that I know of! It only has a problem with metals (Not stainless they say but I don't take a chance on using it)

Kombucha on the other hand should not be stored in plastic Or Metal only glass

I learned some interesting things on that website, Ernie. He says to pour back half of the strained off kefir into the new batch. And also to add a pinch of sugar to the milk. I will try that when I make my next batch.
Yea I even learned a few things!! OK I did find out that the potency of Kefir starts to diminish at 40 degrees celsius (104 farenheit) but it doesn't say you loose all the benefits though

By the way I have been doin the starter thing for a while and I think that the kefir has a much mellower taste to it

Well if you don't hear from me in a few days don't worry we are being hit by one of the Biggest storms that has ever crossed the midwest so far! Right now we have about 18 inches of snow on the ground that has fallen since this morning at about 8 Oclock and still going I might add and the winds are starting to kick up too!! Chickens all locked in their house with plenty of food and 2 heat lamps available if they want them! Last check it was about 25 in the house so I turned on the second lamp cause temps supposed to get below 0 tomorrow and the wind is blowing fierce right now!! Got Milk and Kefir and all the staples so I am set to ride it Out (Just don't like it and not ever ready for it) Local schools already canceled and so have most businesses so far OMG Even the court system have canceled and the Justice center here is closed!! Must gonna be bad

I made a smoothie today used canned pineapple in the juice and boy was it good... hope the cramps go away rustyswoman..
Batten down the hatches Ernie... It's going to miss us thank the good Lord!
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I have wondered when you make a smoothie useing yogurt or kefir does the very high speed of the blades effect the probiotics?
I hope not
maybe this is a stupid question
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