PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

I am so verry sorry for the loss of your father! I lost my mother 2 years ago and fully realise How it is to care for a parent and then lose them!!
My Thoughts and prayers go out to you in your time of sorrow and grief!
Made a red velvet cake using kefir instead of buttermilk. It was ssssooooo good!! I am going to make another for Valentines day!


Did you make it the old fashion way using beets or the red dye way? I found an old recipe in my grandmothers stuff that used beets, but it cooked up a bit more dense than I liked,​
Did you make it the old fashion way using beets or the red dye way? I found an old recipe in my grandmothers stuff that used beets, but it cooked up a bit more dense than I liked,

I didn't know I could use red beets!! How would I do that? I'd like to try...any suggestions? If you couldn't tell I used the dye...can't be good for me though, especially after I add the frosting and eat too much!!
It is. I really like it. But with all the snow we've gotten it is sagging. Next winter I may put Tbars on the out side w/regular electric wire to keep vermin from climbing over the top.(The snow is less than a foot from the top of the fence. Nothing has climbed over the top yet and I'd like it to stay that way!!) The fence works great, we've just had WAY to much heavy snow, now sleet! I ordered it fromPremier1 . I got the double spike because we have a lot of gravel. It is also the permanet. I knew I'd be using it in the winter so I got the sturdier one. Very easy to move, though it does take two people because of it's bulkiness. Tried once to move it by myself and I spent more time untangling than if I was patient and waited for my husband! I would try the regular electric netting if I was only going to use it in the summer.

Made a red velvet cake using kefir instead of buttermilk. It was ssssooooo good!! I am going to make another for Valentines day!


Yep, we ordered ours from premierone as well. I really like it so far. We've only had it for a few months, and we added t posts to help with the sagging. The run is in a shady area, so I don't expect to have to move it much- we kept a section rolled up at the end so we can expand their run to grassy areas when we want to. Its been a great peace of mind having it!

Would LOVE your red velvet cake recipe! I've been compiling all of the kefir recipes in a notebook!
It is. I really like it. But with all the snow we've gotten it is sagging. Next winter I may put Tbars on the out side w/regular electric wire to keep vermin from climbing over the top.(The snow is less than a foot from the top of the fence. Nothing has climbed over the top yet and I'd like it to stay that way!!) The fence works great, we've just had WAY to much heavy snow, now sleet! I ordered it fromPremier1 . I got the double spike because we have a lot of gravel. It is also the permanet. I knew I'd be using it in the winter so I got the sturdier one. Very easy to move, though it does take two people because of it's bulkiness. Tried once to move it by myself and I spent more time untangling than if I was patient and waited for my husband! I would try the regular electric netting if I was only going to use it in the summer.

Made a red velvet cake using kefir instead of buttermilk. It was ssssooooo good!! I am going to make another for Valentines day!


Yep, we ordered ours from premierone as well. I really like it so far. We've only had it for a few months, and we added t posts to help with the sagging. The run is in a shady area, so I don't expect to have to move it much- we kept a section rolled up at the end so we can expand their run to grassy areas when we want to. Its been a great peace of mind having it!

Would LOVE your red velvet cake recipe! I've been compiling all of the kefir recipes in a notebook!

OH yeah!! The day after I got the chickens the fox started hanging out and salivating!! I did not have the electric netting yet, but I did have the fencer, for the horses, so it was an easy jump. When you added the t posts, how did you connect the fence to the t posts?

Red Velvet Cake

* 1/2 cup shortening (I use softened butter NOT shortening)
* 1 1/2 cups sugar
* 2 eggs
* 2 tablespoons cocoa
* 1 1/2 oz red food coloring
* 1 teaspoon salt (I don't use salt when baking)
* 2 1/2 cups flour
* 1 teaspoon vanilla
* 1 1/3 cup buttermilk (I used kefir)
* 1 teaspoon soda
* 1 tablespoons vinegar

Cream shortening; beat in sugar gradually. Add eggs, one at a time; beat well after each addition. Make paste of cocoa and food coloring; add to creamed mixture. Add salt, flour and vanilla alternately with buttermilk kefir), beating well after each addition. Sprinkle soda over vinegar; pour vinegar over batter. Stir until thoroughly mixed. Bake in 3 8-inch pans or 2 9-inch pans for 30 minutes at 350°. (I use a 9"X13" cake pan because it is easier to send in lunches.......I cut the cake piece out of the pan, then slice it again halfway between the frosting and bottom, then take the bottom, less crummy side away from the frosting and place it on top of the frosting....think wide devil dog. Also, less frosting is on the wrapping.)

I frosted with a vanilla buttercream.
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I appreciate all of your wishes and prayers SO MUCH!

I moved my parents in with me about 7 months ago from their home in N. Alabama. Their health has been steadily declining for years but seemed to speed up by the time they got here. Due to 2 strokes and a broken hip dad has been bedridden the entire 7 months. The last 3 months he's been in a light coma, almost unresponsive but still able to eat. Due to the rapid demise in the last couple of days, I suspect another stroke took him. It was such a peaceful passing, he was asleep and not in any pain or distress. God was truly merciful to us both. I promised him I would be with him at the end, and I was able to fulfill that promise. I know he is with God in heaven and has no pain or handicap now. For that I am grateful. I won't really have time or opportunity to grieve very much since my mother is a full time job. She is unable to walk and has dementia. She's a lot like a 5 year old except she can't remember or learn from her experiences. I have great respect for caregivers since my experiences in the last few months. And I can't say enough good things about Hospice and their wonderful care for Him and for me.

I want you to know what a comfort all your responses have been! At a time when I was feeling very alone, you all were there to let me know I wasn't. Thank you so very much.


Hi Sandi

Yes all your kefir krazies have been here for you Praying and hoping and always will! We have all developed a bond that makes us family! We have all cared and shared our lives and recepies and thought and Kefir!! We were all brought together by wanting a better life and better health and have cultured that as we culture our Kefi! Although we have never met and come from different parts of the states we still share a friendship and caring for each other! We were all brought together by a website and the desire to live our lives better and have all shared in that endeavor
Thru Love/Compassion and Generostiy we may change the world!!

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.
If you want to be happy, practice compassion

The Dalai Lama

Sandi, I hope you have a good support system that is local as well. It is so hard when you take the role of caregiver to remember that you need care too. Hope you can take some time for yourself.

Ginny, we used the plastic clips that are meant for attaching high tensile wire to t-posts. They worked just fine with the electronet, and it has made a big difference in the sagging. Thanks for the recipe!

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