PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

Yesterday I got her to eat about 2 teaspoons of oatmeal and about 3 bites of scrambled egg....and one kefir grain. She's not filling her crop at all, and her poop is very evident of that. All white and watery. She's drinking a lot of water and I've been able to get some poly vi sol drops into her. She is SO skinny. It just happened so quickly...

This morning I made a mash with oatmeal, baby bird formula, honey and a hard boiled egg yolk. She took two bites and would have nothing more to do with it. I'm scared of putting her under way to much stress by tube feeding her, but if I can't get her to eat I might have to give it a try. I need to get some strength in her so I can start the wazine.

I was trying to wait to worm them for the first time until everyone was done moulting, since I read that you shouldn't put their systems under too much stress when they are in moult. I've had at least one bird moulting ever since November, and Bernie just started moulting a week ago. Peter Brown said that they shouldn't be moulting this time of year and that it was indicative of another problem.

I just can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. They eat the highest quality organic layer feed I can find, it is soy free and non GMO, they get OACV or nutri drench in their water, and the only treats I give them are plain yogurt, kefir, oatmeal, eggs, fresh veggies and the occasional handful of scratch. They get free choice oyster shell and granite grit.

I am so sorry for your troubles.....
do you have any salmon? the reason I ask is I bought some wild caught salmon in a can and mixed kefir, in with it and gave it to my hen when she was going through molt, she didn't want to eat either, but she ate this salmon & kefir.
Yesterday I got her to eat about 2 teaspoons of oatmeal and about 3 bites of scrambled egg....and one kefir grain. She's not filling her crop at all, and her poop is very evident of that. All white and watery. She's drinking a lot of water and I've been able to get some poly vi sol drops into her. She is SO skinny. It just happened so quickly...

This morning I made a mash with oatmeal, baby bird formula, honey and a hard boiled egg yolk. She took two bites and would have nothing more to do with it. I'm scared of putting her under way to much stress by tube feeding her, but if I can't get her to eat I might have to give it a try. I need to get some strength in her so I can start the wazine.

I was trying to wait to worm them for the first time until everyone was done moulting, since I read that you shouldn't put their systems under too much stress when they are in moult. I've had at least one bird moulting ever since November, and Bernie just started moulting a week ago. Peter Brown said that they shouldn't be moulting this time of year and that it was indicative of another problem.

I just can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. They eat the highest quality organic layer feed I can find, it is soy free and non GMO, they get OACV or nutri drench in their water, and the only treats I give them are plain yogurt, kefir, oatmeal, eggs, fresh veggies and the occasional handful of scratch. They get free choice oyster shell and granite grit.

I am so sorry for your troubles.....

Thanks Ginny, I am holding out lots of hope for her. I just hate that I can't be home to keep trying throughout the day. I WILL tube feed her if I have to!
as soon as you get her to eat for you, you need to go ahead and worm here. Theres another lady on the Emergency thread thats is losing one of her hens because of worm over load. This is very serious. Sorry I don't mean to be so blunt but it's true. Andrea, just thought of this, PM dawg 53 he knows more about worming than anyone I have ever talked to on here. He'll know what to do.
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I am so sorry for your troubles.....

Thanks Ginny, I am holding out lots of hope for her. I just hate that I can't be home to keep trying throughout the day. I WILL tube feed her if I have to!

Yup, I'd probably get fired if I called into work because I had a sick chicken hoping for the best.......
Okay, so my plan is this....tomorrow morning I am going to try and give her some salmon/kefir mixed together. I will go ahead and put the wazine in their waterers (I already have everything I need for worming, just haven't used it yet). I will give her three more drops of poly-vi-sol, and see how she does.

I found a vet who will do a fecal test for me, which I can take in on Saturday morning. Hopefully that will give me an idea of any worms/cocci issues.

If, by tomorrow, she is not eating and her poop has not gotten any more solid, I will follow the instructions for tube feeding....

Pleas send good thoughts to my Bernie! Sorry, didn't mean to take over our kefir thread with chicken health issues...
Yea I even learned a few things!! OK I did find out that the potency of Kefir starts to diminish at 40 degrees celsius (104 farenheit) but it doesn't say you loose all the benefits though

By the way I have been doin the starter thing for a while and I think that the kefir has a much mellower taste to it


Ok Ernie, I tried to follow the instructions on the website you listed and mine didn't turn out quite right. I put half of the Kefir back in with the grains, and then added more milk, but mine turned all kinda funky. Over half of it was wrey, and the rest was just kurds like cottage cheese. I ended up picking thru the kurds to find my grains.
I fed the wrey to my dog, but he wouldn't drink all of it like he usually does. I don't think this method is right for me. I'm going to stick to the old way of doing it, which is adding all new milk every day. Plus, the vanilla and sugar has really grown on us. We like that flavor best.

Did anyone else try this? How did your's turn out?

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