PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

Yeaaaaaaa Miss Bernie! I am so glad she is feeling much better Andrea! I wish that I could find a good surefire way to do NATURAL Parasite control!! I do the DE in the food on a regular basis to help to control the parasites and also doing Chili Powder!!

the end off last week I made gingered carrots. checked on it today. It is bubbly and the liquid is gelatinous. Is this what is expected? I did not expect it to be gelatinous. Thought it would be more watery. I did use kefir whey as the recipe called for . when should I try it? AAuugghhh!! gotta go to work!
It will thicken some. I found it thickened some and then thinned back down while we worked through the jar. I had it on my counter for 4 days and then in the fridge for a week before I tasted it. The first time it tasted too salty and not enough of a vinegar taste so I waited 2 more weeks. Then it tasted perfect. From talking to other friends we have found it can vary from batch to batch.
It will thicken some. I found it thickened some and then thinned back down while we worked through the jar. I had it on my counter for 4 days and then in the fridge for a week before I tasted it. The first time it tasted too salty and not enough of a vinegar taste so I waited 2 more weeks. Then it tasted perfect. From talking to other friends we have found it can vary from batch to batch.

Thanks.....So should I taste it now, or put it in the fridge for a while. My house is never over 68*...usually 56*-64*
Yeaaaaaaa Miss Bernie! I am so glad she is feeling much better Andrea! I wish that I could find a good surefire way to do NATURAL Parasite control!! I do the DE in the food on a regular basis to help to control the parasites and also doing Chili Powder!!


Thanks Ernie!

I know, I also wish there was a surefire natural wormer. I use DE and cayenne pepper as well.....but, I think I've learned the hard way on this one. My girls are 11 months old and I just kept putting off worming them... now I know for certain I'll do it twice a year. It was originally my intention to keep an all natural flock, but they have become pets to me, and I can't bear to loose them or let them suffer.

Bernie is well on the way to complete recovery. She is eating like normal and her poops have gotten solid again. I moved their coop and fence to new ground today so they have a nice fresh start.

On a more kefir related note, I think I'm going to make a Ginger kefir panna cotta tomorrow for dessert. I'll let you guys know how it turns out!
It will thicken some. I found it thickened some and then thinned back down while we worked through the jar. I had it on my counter for 4 days and then in the fridge for a week before I tasted it. The first time it tasted too salty and not enough of a vinegar taste so I waited 2 more weeks. Then it tasted perfect. From talking to other friends we have found it can vary from batch to batch.

Thanks.....So should I taste it now, or put it in the fridge for a while. My house is never over 68*...usually 56*-64*

How many days has it been out on your counter? It never hurts to taste as long as you use a clean fork to fish our the sample. These used to be made before people had reliable cooling for food so you could keep it out till it got to the flavor you wanted.
Thanks.....So should I taste it now, or put it in the fridge for a while. My house is never over 68*...usually 56*-64*

How many days has it been out on your counter? It never hurts to taste as long as you use a clean fork to fish our the sample. These used to be made before people had reliable cooling for food so you could keep it out till it got to the flavor you wanted.

I made it last 5 days on the counter. It smells good.
Hey Andrea, just saw your post about Bernie, that is great news.. so happy for you..yep I learned the hard way too, I now have mine on twice a year inside/ outside pest control.. Also if you want to use something where you won't have egg withdraw try Epernix..
I was looking at a recipe In the recipe it asks for unfiltered apple cider vinegar. The part that confuses me is that it said it was best if it had a "mother" in it. My understanding is you can make your own apple vinegar by leaving cider out till it becomes hard and then leave it out for another month or 2 till it becomes vinegar. The mother part makes me think of Kombuchu. Anyone have more experience with this?
If you look at Bragg's cider vinegar it is unfiltered and unpasteurized. It looks different from most grocery store vinegars. Vinegar does contain it's own mother called mother of vinegar(MOV). It is different from a scoby (kombucha mother) in that MOV is living acetic acid culture. Komucha, mother is a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast. A lot of recipes call for pasteurized cider vinegar to start a batch of kombucha. This is to increase the acidity and make the environment more hospitable to the cultures of the scoby. NOTE. that is was pasteurized because unpasteurized would make kombucha vinegar...or something like that. You probably could make kombucha in a similar way as you vinegar recipe. But, who knows what would really grow? Besides inoculated with ready made culture and/or mother is simple and quicker. If you think about most of the things we are doing on this thread, sour dough bread, fermented vegetables, kefir, etc, we could start with the wild active bacteria in our environment, but because it is easier we inoculate with culture we WANT to grow. This also crowds out the stuff we don't want to grow.

So I guess the short answer to you question in that we call them both mothers, but they contain different organisms.

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