PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

I forgot to mention that when I make ranch I don't use the packets since everyone that I have looked at has MSG in it. my recipe is

1 1/2 cup base (could be all kefir half may and kefir or whatever I have on hand, I use kefir with some of the whey removed if I am making a dip)
1/2 t dried chives
1/2 t dried parsley
1/2 t dried dill weed
1/4 t garlic powder
1/4 t oinion powder
1/4 t salt
1/8 t ground pepper
Well my first shot at making mayo today was a total bust.

I may try again tomorrow. My eggs never thickened up so I didn't even waist the oil to finish the recipie. I seen the second link to a different recipie for making mayo. I may check it out first. I mixed it for like 15 minutes and it never thickened???? I was picturing a kind of spicey marange that I was going to start off with then add the oil to make it more in volumn....... NOT!!

Oh well, win some and loose some. But I won't give up. I'll try again for sure.
Here is a site that has 2 different receipes that might be easier to follow Dont know for sure! I have never made mayo but it is very similar to aioli which is similar and requires you to VERY Slowly add the Oil! I have used Olive Oil (Extra Virgin cold pressed) because it seems to work better!!

Also when I made Aioli I have had batches that just neverthickened at all! The taste was there but wouldn't thicken no matter what


I am going to see if I can make some just to see how it turns out

will let you know how it turns out
Kombucha question??!!

Okay, my dehydrated scoby has been in a jar for 30 + days, it hasn't molded this time and tastes ok but doesn't look like a baby has formed but I've decided to take out the mother and try the next batch. does it matter if I disolve the sugar first in water then add the tea bags or can I boil the water with the tea bag and then add sugar... let it cool etc.?
I put the sugar in the jar, the teaball on the side and fill with boiling water....I am not sure if this answers your question or not. I don't think it matters except that you could be adding contaminants if you add something after the boiling water. Having said that I have forgotten the sugar and remembered after everything was cold and added it then and everything came out fine....just keep things very clean, you don't want to grow anything bad,

Just had to stop by and say my keifer is doing great! thanks again Ernie... and yesterday met HenCackle {very nice lady I may say}, and she shared some scoby to get me started on Kombucha, it's all put together and sitting on my counter as I type, can't wait to try it.. also got Butter beans to grow for this year, come on spring time.
I put the sugar in the jar, the teaball on the side and fill with boiling water....I am not sure if this answers your question or not. I don't think it matters except that you could be adding contaminants if you add something after the boiling water. Having said that I have forgotten the sugar and remembered after everything was cold and added it then and everything came out fine....just keep things very clean, you don't want to grow anything bad,


My question was if it was ok to put the tea in before the sugar... everything I read was put the sugar in the jar then add boiling water then the tea bag or ball. I had made the tea first and then was going to pour it into the jar with sugar. I'm trying to do everthing eggactly right so I don't have a problem and kill my scoby. So I started over and boiled water then poured it into the sugar and added the tea ball. Don't know if either way matters

Other than that I am keeping everything clean no metal coming in contact with the scoby etc.
I think I should tell anyone reading this NEVER buy a dehydrated scoby, what a pain in the tail feathers!!
Have any of you purposely made fermented vegetables just to feed your chickens? Since I have read about how fermenting releases more nutrients, I have started fermenting the scraps like the ribs of kale and carrot skins in a manner like kimchi before giving them to the chickens.

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