PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

after the tea was put into the boiling water and turned off to cool I added the sugar so it would dissolve real good. If I add sugar after my tea has cooled it doesn't dissolve very good.
Ok. Thanks! I just wanted to do it right and didn't think the tea or sugar first should really matter but after last time with it molding just want to make sure all my details were right.
It was totally cooled before I put the scoby in.
And thanks to Ernie I have the jar in a cooler with a night light so the temp is right!
Ok. Thanks! I just wanted to do it right and didn't think the tea or sugar first should really matter but after last time with it molding just want to make sure all my details were right.
It was totally cooled before I put the scoby in.
And thanks to Ernie I have the jar in a cooler with a night light so the temp is right!

I have never heard of a dehydrated scoby,. Hope it works out well. It doesn't matter the order eggsept put scoby in after cooling,.....don't want to cook her...
Hi All couple of days since I have been on and wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing! For Missouri our weather has been horrible so far! We had over 20inches of snow and cold of -12 now one week later we are back in the 40's! Been kinda crazy around here but still makin Kefir and Kombucha and consuming every day so hopefully that will ward off anything that I might get (Note chickens Hate snow when it is above their heads LOL!! Mine have sequestered themselvels inside and wont touch the white stuff!!

they all need little sleds so they can get out and enjoy!!
Ok. Thanks! I just wanted to do it right and didn't think the tea or sugar first should really matter but after last time with it molding just want to make sure all my details were right.
It was totally cooled before I put the scoby in.
And thanks to Ernie I have the jar in a cooler with a night light so the temp is right!

Yep the cooler trick works everytime! I dont remember where I came up with that Idea but it will keep mines temp at about 82 degrees even if the temp drops to below 70
in the house!!

They like them just fine

Do you ferment them like the gingered carrots? Can chickens handle all that salt?

I put 1/4 cup of whey in the jar
Then any veggie parts I am not eating like carrot skins, ginger peel, out side of cauliflower, ribs of kale get cut up and lightly salted. With the whey, I need very little salt.
then I shove them in the jar.
Each day I shove more in till it is full and then I let it sit with the lid on for 3 more days.
then I start poring it into there treat dish.
My husbands cousin who accidentally tasted it
didn't find it salty at all

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