PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

My husband just started taking a probiotic supplement last week and he now wants to put the world on probiotics, so I got a kick of seeing a posting for probiotics for chickens! He'll be thrilled!
I love kefir and yogurt and have made MissPrissy's yogurt about 1000 times now, but I can no longer have dairy because I'm breastfeeding my infant son who has a dairy intolerance. My husband also cannot have dairy. So the Kombucha is fascinating me. Where is everyone getting their "scoby" from?
I took advise here and found a whole foods plain, raw kombucha drink thta appeared to have a small scoby growing on the floor of the bottle. Took that home, added new brew/sugar and set away fpr 3 weeks. I got me a real scoby

Now I'm on my second batch.
Hi! I am new to kefir and just got my grains yesterday from Chickielady!!! Thanks Robin!!!!

So I put them in a jar with milk last night and just drained them and want to be sure what I'm going to feed my kids tomorrow is "normal"!

The stuff that drained out was a little granular looking? I have only had store bought, which was super thick and creamy and I know the home grown won't be that thick, but I was expecting creamy and it looks grainier than I anticipated. Is this normal? Also, how long can I leave the drained kefir in the fridge before using it? If I am correct, I will be draining the jar daily, every 24 hrs or so? I have a one gallon jar with probably 1/2 cup of grains and added about 4 cups of milk. I do know that as the grains grow I need to add more milk or get rid of some grains. Please just tell me it's all ok and I did it correctly.
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OK, well I read somewhere how it might take a few days to adjust to new milk. But we went ahead and made some yummy stawberry banana smoothies with it! YEAH!!!
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Yes! My first few batches were grainy. That will change into a lovely thick creamy kefir.
Once your grains start to grow gung-ho they may process your milk faster than 24 hours.
Hello and welcome to everyone
I've been off for a while, and I'm excited to see so many people that have joined in the kefir crazzzz!!

It will take about 2-3 days for the kefir grains to adjust to the new milk. Use this time as learning experience. You can drink the kefir during this period, but it will be tart tasting. Mine thickens to a runny yogert consistancy. Don't forget to let it sit in the fridge for 1-2 days to mellow the taste.

I have some extra Kefir grains if anyone is interested. Just PM me.

couldn't get all 10 to come up, does he show the easy way to make kefir? how much does he charge? I couldn't get that sight to come up either. I did find a lady called the kefir lady, has any one ordered from her?
I have been eating my gingered carrots from your recipe. I really like it thoough hand grating is a pain.....maybe it it time to invest in a food processor. The carrots taste slightly sour, not salty. They still have a slight crunch or maybe I should say they are not soggy. Does this sound right?

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