PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

Good morning Kefir Crazies!

I've been away for awhile and have a lot of catching up to do! Hope everyone's been well.

Update on Bernie: I took a fecal sample to my vet to confirm worms before I went through the whole worming process while she was sick....and it was cocci! She's almost a year old, and has never had blood in her was a little suprised, but I knew it was a possibility. SO- we did 5 days of Corid and waited a week before doing the worming. She is back to her crazy, bossy, cute little self!

Did we ever come to a conclusion on if heat destroys all of the good stuff in our kefir? I made some cherry walnut scones with kefir in place of buttermilk last week, and they were really good. I do wonder if there is any benefit to cooking with them once you heat them.

Good news for anyone in my area looking for raw milk- I found a food buying club who purchases large orders from an Amish farm in PA and trucks them down to Raleigh and Durham. If you want info about it, PM me. You have to be referred by an exsisting member, i think. I'm going to place my first order with them soon. Can't wait to make kefir from non-dead milk.

Ukyou, what are some of your favorite ways to use the water kefir grains? I have been using the ones you sent me (thanks again!) in cranberry juice so far- I had to keep them in the fridge "dormant" for awhile because we've had so much going on. Would love suggestions for what you like to do with them!

Ok, I'm gonna go back and read all the posts I've missed now...
Hi All My Kefir Krazzies and how are we all doing today??? Havent been on a lot due to just trying to survive the midwest weather! This has been one of the worst winters that we have had in a while!! Temps in the sub zero range for over two weeks and 22 to 30 inches of snow on the ground at once! Lucky Me I have my Kefir and Kombucha to keep me and my Chicks and Cats all well and healthy although I did Slip and threw my hip out and suffered with that for 3 weeks but I am now back alive and Kicking again!! I have at least been able to check in and keep up with the post and all and what has been happening! Need to get back into my experimenting with the kefir and want to try the fermenting of some vegetables before summer when my garden sets in

Ernie, sorry to hear you had problems with your hip! I hope it is mending steadily and you feel a little better now. I'm continuing to experiment with using the Kefir milk to substitute in recipes. When I find a real winner, I'll post it.

Be blessed!
It's good to have you back Ernie!

Is there a difference in the kefir grains when they are larger, do they work faster, better, or slower....? they are older does that mean they should be put out to compost? the new smaller ones kept? I gave some grains to a friend and gave her smaller ones like when I first recieved mine.

Last week I bought a stick blender and love it! I'll put some frozen fruit and or banana in a jar and add kefir and buzz it up, it's so quick and easy to make that way, I don't have to get out the big blender everyday.
I have one big grain in mine. When it gets bigger I break it off andgive it too a friend. If you have no one to take it, you can eat it or feed it to the chickens!
Anybody here willing to part with a few grains? Do they ship ok? I'm very interested in trying this out.

It's funny, I have a very good friend from Armenia who made us a drink once with plain yogurt, a little lemon juice, lots of chopped cucumber and parsley. I think she called it kefir, but I'll bet she was doing a major substitution with that yogurt, because of what was available in the US.
I have already split my kefir up several times. I got about 1.5 TBSP of small kefir grains from the Kefirlady, and I gave 1/4 cup to the dogs, 1/4 cup I froze, 1/4 cup I gave to my dd's teacher, and I kept 1/4 cup to keep making kefir. That was a week and a half ago and I'm already back up to almost 3/4 cup of grains! A lot of the grains are the size of grapes now, and I noticed that it makes the kefir much quicker than when they were smaller grains. I've also noticed that with the warmer weather here now, they multiply like rabbits! Between me, my kids and the dogs (4 of them!), I still have about 1 1/2 GALLONS of kefir waiting to be consumed! I had no idea these little buggers would be so prolific! Time to split them up again!

BTW, if anyone can tell me how to prepare the grains for shipping, I'll be more than glad to give some to anyone who needs it!

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