PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

I'm back from my trip where internet was spottie. I was asked what other recipes with veggies I have tried. I have made beets, but I am still working on that recipe since while the beets taste good, the "juice around them was very gelatinous and with the dark red color it looked like I murdered someone. I do like the daikon radish.
3 lb daikon peeled and grated
1 T salt
4 T whey
I have been trying a lot of new things from this site
got to take the kids to school
Have a great day
hi there!
im glad to havefound this post about probiotics for hens. my housemate thinks im crazy for giving them yogurt! they love it and inhale it practically!
i cant make the home made version in my lil house, but would like to try those recipes when i can!

So, Do u all think store bought yogurt or kefir is good enough, and how often?? Should i not give them anything w sugar in it ?
I have 14 hens.
thanks to all u vetrans of flocks!!
You could do kefir easily anywhere since you just make it on the counter with no need to regulate temps.
Thanks I will try the recipe. Daikon radish? can I get it in the grocery store? If they don't have it can I substitute anther radish? I am eating the gingered carrots. At first I didn't love them. I have been putting them in my salad for work. I give the bowl the salad is in a good shaking and it disperses the carrots nicly and i really love them! Now I need to come up with a different dressing....I was thinking a toasted sesame......It would be exceptional! Will chek out the cultered foods site,
Thanks I will try the recipe. Daikon radish? can I get it in the grocery store? If they don't have it can I substitute anther radish? I am eating the gingered carrots. At first I didn't love them. I have been putting them in my salad for work. I give the bowl the salad is in a good shaking and it disperses the carrots nicely and i really love them! Now I need to come up with a different dressing....I was thinking a toasted sesame......It would be exceptional! Will check out the cultured foods site,

daikon is a giant white radish. They have it in the grocery stores here in CA. Sometimes it is marked as white radish.
The daikon radishes are really easy to grow, too. My grandmother grows them to improve her soil. They have a long tap root that breaks up the ground well. I believe she over winters them and then pulls them prior to spring planting. I was thinking about adding them to my garden bed rotation to be follwed by a green manure or legume.

LOVE the cultured food site!
Hi, I am not sure I am doing this right. I am making both skim and goat kefir. The goat seems to be pretty easy but the skim... well when i strain it off I get very small curds that want to stay behind. Am I supposed to add the small riccota like curds back into the kefir or do I strain them out?

The goat doesn't have this issue. I used whole milk also and it did not do this either. It makes it difficult to find the baby kefir grains

Thank you
I take the milk straight from the fridge and pour it into the jar over the grains. then leave it on the counter.

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