PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

Thanks! I'm enjoying this batch blended with some cherries. Very tasty! I left the grains sitting in about half the kefir. I'll actually have to make sure we always have milk now- not a usual thing in this house. We love all things made from milk, but very rarely drink it.

Thanks erlibrd for the grains!!
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Good Morning Everyone!

Thanks for the red velvet cake recipe! I plan on trying that the next time I have both the kids home for supper, otherwise I'll end up eating a whole cake by myself and that's just not going to do my girlish figure any good at all!

I purchased an ice cream maker from one of our local second hand stores on Saturday. I want to try a few different Kefir "ice cream" flavors: pina colada, peach, strawberry, and maple nut to start with. I divided my grains into 2 quart jars so as to have enough Kefir to fill the canister without having to add too much milk. I'm going to try my first batch tonight, I'll let you all know how it turns out!

Glad to hear you are doing better, Ernie! This has been a very long winter, indeed.
Ukyou,thank you for the grains, they came today. I hope they are OK they were on the table when I got home from work. I put them in milk and the water kifer in water and honey. I hope that is ok, I had read some one uses sugar and molasses, I put 1/4 cup honey in a quart of water. We get raw honey from a farm store not far from home. The milk grains smelled a little sour, I figured that was normal? Will let you know how things go. Some people wash the grains others do not, do you or not?
Thank you, thank you, thank you.......Mary
I don't rinse mine.
For the water kefir I used juice and a little sugar since it feeds mostly on sucrose. I don't mind using white sugar if it is going to be consumed before I drink it.

Have fun.
Good morning everyone

Ernie, glad to hear you're feeling better!

Thought I would post this link for those who are interested in the Nourishing Traditions/Weston Price way of eating:

It's a really great site. Lots of good recipes and information. She currently is offering an online class on fermentation. I think I'm going to sign up. It covers everything! Kefir, kombucha, yogurt, lacto fermented veggies and condiments, even fermented meats and sourdough!

Hope everyone has a good day!
I have a question about my kefir... When I first got the grains, and for the first three or so weeks, the resulting kefir had a yeasty, slightly sour smell. I've come to know that as "normal", though I don't know what the normal smell is. Lately, though, it has taken on a more yeasty-alchoholy smell. What would cause the change in smell (and taste) and is that smell considered normal? I'm still drinking it, it's still good! Oh, another question, how long can you keep the kefir in the fridge before it goes bad. I have almost a gallon saved up now. (I was sick, my daughter brought home nasty kid germs and gave them directly to me IN MY FACE!) Thanks!


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