PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

If you ferment over long it will form alcohol. I probably means that your grains are ready to split off. It is not bad at all as long as you like the taste.
way too cool! though "utilizing sugars from waste material which will be used for Kombucha fermentation" is a bit scary! AAHHH, whose waste? and then what? I think I'll just drink my own..........
Looks like this thread is loosing momentum!
Just thought I'd post a yummy recipe. It's 81 degrees here today, which made me think this was a fabulous idea:

Kombucha-Honey Popcicles:

Combine 1 quart kombucha
1/2 C honey

Pour into popcicle molds and freeze.

I used kombucha flavored in a second fermemtation with ginger.

Hi! I am enjoying my kefir!! Have some questions, is there a save limit to how much you should drink each day? ......My water kefir smells and tastes rather wine like, I don't drink wine often and when I do it is usually a soft(cheap)sweet wine I can feel my body relax when I drink wine. I get the same reaction from the water kefir. Not bad at all, I drink it in orange juice before bed, but is it normally wine like? I have let it set both 24 and 48hrs. Some of the sights i visited say 48hrs, works in 24 if your grains are larger. my milk grains are getting a nice size, the water grains seem to grow much slower. I have used white sugar, brown sugar with honey and some times cherry juice concentrate. always get the same result is this normal for water kefir?
okay, i just got some freeze-dried starter for kefir i found at my local whole foods. can i use this? will it grow into grains?
Sorry if this has already been covered...88 pages is a lot to
anyway, i'm obviously new to this and would like all the help you can offer...
and yes i have started reading the entire thread now.

Thanks a bunch

ETA: I also joined the yahoo group...
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While they will make a batch of yogurt that tastes and has the consistency of kefir, it is not true kefir. For one, it will not be usable for multiple batches. It is a one use item and then you need to get a new packet. Also, I have been told that they do not have all the beneficial bacteria that is in true kefir.
However, it would be good if you just want to find out if you like the taste.

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