PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

Thanks for the reply, that's kinda what i was afraid of when i got them. I'll still use them, but now i get to find some real grains...I'm emailing the kefir lady.
Hi Ginny
No I havent abandoned my Kefir crazies or fallen from the face of the earth . I am still here and as honery as ever! When I threw my hip out I lost track of almost everything I was just going thru the motions of making kefir and let the Kombucha go south so to speak! Well at least I managed to keep both alive and well and have started a new batch of Kombucha and have my kefir grains back in order! I sorted out all but the most perfect of grains and restarted them in a quart of milk! God these are some strong little buggers! I am also thinking of some other ways to use the grains!! If we can make Honey Mead from milk grains! What would happen if you added a few rinsed milk grains to a kombucha culture either first or second ferment???????

Ok All we need to make sure this page stays up and running and info posted! We have worked to hard to get it to 89 pages long! Where are all my othre crazies at

Ernie is back guys and ready to start sharing grains and Kombucha cultures! Well in a few weeks when the cultures and grains are up to it!

BTW the kefir will grow some strange looking grains when negelected but will still produce some very perfect grains also!!!

Hi a newbie here. We have been making kefir for about 1 month now.
We have good grains from Marilyn in Ohio
My husband says that it has a gamey, wild taste. What should it taste like?

We ferment for 24 hours, I don't wash my grains, and we let it sit in the frig for another day or two before he/we use it.
Should we let it mellow longer? How long do ya'll usually keep kefir?

What can we add to it to make it taste better?

Also got a scoby from Marilyn and I am brewing the tea.
I was told to put it in a cool dark place. It's been there for 3 weeks, yikes!
Has it been sitting too long? I thought that it was supposed to sprout another mushroom but there isn't anything like that.
What I did notice was that the scoby is nearly 1/2 inch thick, moist and rather stiff. Is this normal?
When should I stop the ferment?

Now, about the 2nd ferment - I love carbonated beverages so this appeals to me.
In fact that is one reason that I decided to try this probiotic beverage, to help me got of the coke.
How do I do the second ferment? I do have the swing top bottles already. Does anyone flavor it with fruit?

Thanks for any help
Hi Ginny
No I havent abandoned my Kefir crazies or fallen from the face of the earth . I am still here and as honery as ever! When I threw my hip out I lost track of almost everything I was just going thru the motions of making kefir and let the Kombucha go south so to speak! Well at least I managed to keep both alive and well and have started a new batch of Kombucha and have my kefir grains back in order! I sorted out all but the most perfect of grains and restarted them in a quart of milk! God these are some strong little buggers! I am also thinking of some other ways to use the grains!! If we can make Honey Mead from milk grains! What would happen if you added a few rinsed milk grains to a kombucha culture either first or second ferment???????

Ok All we need to make sure this page stays up and running and info posted! We have worked to hard to get it to 89 pages long! Where are all my othre crazies at

Ernie is back guys and ready to start sharing grains and Kombucha cultures! Well in a few weeks when the cultures and grains are up to it!

BTW the kefir will grow some strange looking grains when negelected but will still produce some very perfect grains also!!!


good to have you back!!!!
Welcome posey,

My kombucha scoby does get thick. I peel it apart as to make room for more tea. I really like a 3 week brew. Taste it and see if you like it. I've drunk it from 1 week t0 4 is just a matter of taste. I am not sure what you mean by a "second" ferment. I do not put my Kombucha in my swing top bottle until the day of drinking. If they are wide mouths you will be able to pull off the scoby before drinking.

I also let my kfer sit on the counter, sometimes for days . I still drink it. Some times I make smoothies with it...banana, mange, blueberries, strawberries...again whatever your taste...lately, I've been putting in a little maple syrup. mmmmmm!!! Have fun with it!
Some people do a second ferment with kombuchu. They add juice or fruit to it after brewing and close it up and let it sit another day or two. To me it tastes like water keifer.

On a different note. I tried adding some chunks of ginger to my milk kefir while I was brewing it. I did this since I read ginger boosts the water kefir into growing more. It did not seem to make it grow more, but it was a tasty addition.
When you make a smoothie from the Kefir are you destroying any of the beneficial elements of the Kefir itself? I read that it shouldn't come in contact with metal. I am guessing you are using a processor.

Stainless steel is alright I believe (?) but does anyone know for sure?
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Ok you People you have kept me reading for hours now LOL
I said I was gonna quit and go to bed at page 20, then 30, now at 40 pages down it's 2am, and I have to get up at 7....
gonna be a long day tomorrow. Just wanted to say love this thread haven't figured out a lot yet, but this is right up my ally.
I love Yogurt, hate buttermilk, don't won't drink store bought milk, like I need a few more chemicals in my body and I sure don't need bovine growth hormones.
actually I love fresh raw milk that's also why I hate store bought tastes like water to me. BIL owns a 2000 head dairy but uses RBGH so wont drink his milk, looking for another source prefer organic but few if any around here. But I will catch up tomorrow I hope Ty all for the great info on this thread, you all are awsum !!!!!!!1 Kim .
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When I put the smoothie in the blender,I didn't worry about the contact with metal, it is in only for a short period of time. I put the fruit in first, make sure it is well blended, add the kefir and just a short buzz to blend. My worry was, Am I killing all the organisms by the whirring blade......but I do it anyway......


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