PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

This may already be in the thread somewhere, but there's a lot of pages so I'll ask anyway. How much of the whey product can I give my chickens. I currently have 12 hens and they'll go through a bowl (2cups?) in no time flat. I usually have about that much every other day. Is it ok to give them this much?

Edit: Found it
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When I put the smoothie in the blender,I didn't worry about the contact with metal, it is in only for a short period of time. I put the fruit in first, make sure it is well blended, add the kefir and just a short buzz to blend. My worry was, Am I killing all the organisms by the whirring blade......but I do it anyway......


Ok I am told that Stainless is not bad for the grains or for the Kefir! I myself don't take a chance with this and dont use a blender!! I blend all the fruit or what ever in a blender and then I put the mush in a shaker with the kefir and shake it up!! Same with protein shakes and the likes! Also I have been reading up on the benefits of Fresh Raw goats milk and you wouldnt believe the results!! Also I have found a source for fresh RAW goat milk and tasted my first kefir from it tonight! Not exactly what I expected but was really good and I think I can deal with the taste! All I can say is you would have to try it to know what I am talking about!!

Good Kefiring MY Kefir Family

Have any of you ever used whey to wash with? I had to get some skin cancer removed a few days ago and the surgeon and I was talking since he was actually very forward thinking about lifestyle being very important. Anyways, he thought it was worth a try to wash with whey and see if it helps since I am trying to undo many years of washing my dad's pesticide trucks in just shorts and a tank top when he would wear protective gear while spraying.

Well, I decided to try washing my face with just a micro fiber cloth dipped in kefir whey. At first it tingled and sorta stung. Then for 2 days my skin was a little rosier and a bit oilier. It was like the day after I got a facial. Now my skin has smoothed out and feels softer, whether it will help reverse the damage I don't know. I also started washing my whole body in it since a friend pointed out that while I got it on my face this time my whole body was exposed and with how the doctors acted like it was so odd that I got that variety of cancer while only in my 30's I should be careful. Luckily have asking a good friend to sniff me, I can say that I don't smell like bad milk. But I wonder if I undo anything by rinsing with water after scrubbing, however at night I don't rinse of the whey off my face.
I don/t think washing or rinsing with whey will hurt you. Good thing that you have a good friend for a sniff test:). I would leave they whey on whenever possible. Sorry to hear about the skin cancer.....
OK urbangrower were did you find how much to feed the chickens? and how much do you give your dogs or cats? I have put maybe a half cup in chicken water I have a 3 gallon a few days before I gave them some oatmeal soaked in water kiver. dogs have gotten small amt. of milk kifer but don't really like it. I give it to them mixed with other food then they will eat it.
Ukyou, sorry to hear about your skin cancer. I like the idea of washing with the kifer. it should have some healing factors just like aloe vera. I have a friend that has been battling lymphoma for over 15yrs. she has been using something called essiac. She has under gone every treatment available and it keeps coming back. since she has been using this it seems to stay under control. Dr. can't explain why she is doing so well. you can look it up on line I haven't tried it yet. It is supposed to be very healthy.
Dh has been diagnosed with celiac disease, never thought I could get him to try the kifer.... he has been drinking some in AM and some PM and says it seems to work better then the med's.......... some times trying something natural works much better then all the junk they sell in the Pharmacy
Wow, I can't wait to get started. I love the idea of using natural living products to care for different ailments and it looks like kefir has tons of applications.
Thank you all for the information and inspiration.


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