PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

I agree it's been nasty here as of late too, been making bread and cookies.......... today was too cold for that though, so cleaned the oven to warm it up in here. I hate these kinda springs in Wisconsin, rainy cold and terribley windy had 45 MPH gusts today and it felt like 30 degrees. bbbrrrrrrrrrrr Kim
I haven't read this through this whole thread but I like feeding plain yogurt to my chickens. My 12 week olds will eat it eventually but my 2 week olds won't touch it except for the leghorns
do you think everybody else overdosed on probiotics?

It makes me feel better so if it does the same for the others they are probably out building new coops and runs! I need to get some work done on mine too but the weather has been nasty! windy and cold so spending time indoors

I made some yummy banana bread and used kefir in place of the milk. Good baking weather.

mmmmm banana bread!!! It has been not so pleasant here too. I'll take it over snow though!!!

Anybody know how Ernie's doing?
It makes me feel better so if it does the same for the others they are probably out building new coops and runs! I need to get some work done on mine too but the weather has been nasty! windy and cold so spending time indoors

I made some yummy banana bread and used kefir in place of the milk. Good baking weather.

mmmmm banana bread!!! It has been not so pleasant here too. I'll take it over snow though!!!

Anybody know how Ernie's doing?

Woke up to snow, about 4 inches. Hope it melts soon.
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mmmmm banana bread!!! It has been not so pleasant here too. I'll take it over snow though!!!

Woke up to snow, about 4 inches. Hope it melts soon.

Anybody know how Ernie's doing?

Well EB, it doesn't sound if your from "ideal":)snow land maybe.......

I just put some blueberry muffins (made with kefir, of course) in the oven.
Right! the older I get the less ideal this spot feels! in the summer I love it.... our little lake is almost free if ice and the loons are back:ya

blueberry muffins sound good:p
It makes me feel better so if it does the same for the others they are probably out building new coops and runs! I need to get some work done on mine too but the weather has been nasty! windy and cold so spending time indoors

I made some yummy banana bread and used kefir in place of the milk. Good baking weather.

mmmmm banana bread!!! It has been not so pleasant here too. I'll take it over snow though!!!

Anybody know how Ernie's doing?

I Know I know
Oh wait i am Ernie
Still alive and Kicking! Put a lot more Irons in the Fire than what I intended to!! Put 36 soon to be little mutt babies in the Incubator and am now building fence for the next coming Marble Part of the Clan! Yes I said next part~~~!!!!! in about 3 months I am getting 4 nigerian Dwarf goats! Yes You heard right 4! One that is now newborn billie and 3 young ladies plus in 21 days more or less I will have 36 new little peepers of multi varieties! Not a big one on pure bred chicks so decided to raise some Heinz 57's! Keifer still going and being consumed I have got to get gost riders out this I have really been slackin and not keepin up with all this! All I can say is school gets out in 4 weeks here so the 2nd job will go by the wayside!! Yayyyyyyy


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