PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

I don't know about the yogurt either, but I did the same with the apple cider vinegar. I did 1/2 braggs 1/2 Stop 'n Shop frozen apple juice (made it) then let it sit. It has a nice mother in just a few days.
Do you think that you could use fresh organic cider (unpasteurized)? Or do you think I would grow something that would harm me? Do you use plain red wine or a specific variety for red wine vinegar? How would one do balsamic vinegar?
The sticky question comes up every now and then but there is no answer!!!! Though I am not sure what a sticky is!!!!

The threads at the top of a forum that are "stuck" in place are stickies. It's where reference things usually are.
Fresh organic cider would be the very best thing to use! The reason the rest of us w/out cheap access to that use frozen is specifically because it's no pasteurized. For the wine vinegar, I just used some wine I have had so long, I'm surprised it didn't turn into vinegar by itself! I don't think it matters what kind you use. As for Balsamic, I have no idea how to make that.
How exactly did you make the ACV, I would like to try because I use alot of it, 2 gallons a month actually, and it ain't cheap 20 bucks a gallon. but my 4 dogs 2 cats 3 horses and my chickens get it in there water at every change which is usually daily. I also take a ts. after each meal, my hubby and kids have to have to the pills the yuck factor is to much for them. hehehe Kim
Basically you can just leave unpasteurized apple cider or apple juice (not bottled) out at room temp for 6 months and it turns itself.
The quicker way is to start with 1/2 acv raw unfiltered with the mother and 1/2 unpasteurized apple cider or apple juice (frozen is great) cover with a cloth and let sit for a few weeks.

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