PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

With all the summer stuff going on, I too, have put my kefir in the fridge. I haven't touched it in a week. When I strain it it will have separated so I will have to give it a good stir before staining. Yeah, it does get expensive when feeding it to the chickens in large amounts. Mine are out on pasture in a fence that I move when the green stuff is getting worn looking. I like to feed more kefir in the winter when the chickens have no access to fresh and living food. I have also stopped sprouting because they have greens growing in the pasture. Will sprout again probably in November....Keir is still going but I am not drinking as much. I usually like 2 week kefir, but it is aging more before I drink it.Besides, Sangria with pineapple and watermelon has replaced it on these hot summer days after work, when I go out and sit with the flock and unwind!!
So yeah, I would keep it going, just let it slow down. I believe that Kombucha and kefir have different organisms for fermentation and IMO, more is better in this case.

I love kefir with maple syrup. I eat smoothies too, but when I use maple syrup, it goes down way to easy!
I make frozen Kefir parfaits for the birds. I take a plastic disposable cup, layer it with mash, Boss and kefir, put it in the freezer and when it's hot outside, I'll tear the cup off and feed it to the ladies. They spend the afternoon picking away at it. They love it, plus freezing it allows me to store more kefir for a longer period of time.
No, I don't mind your soapbox... it may inspire me to do better. When I first planned to get chickens I was going to feed them a whole seed soy free homemade diet... but with all that I've had to do this spring (building the coop and run, caring for 30 chickens in two different pens, breaking sod to double my garden, and general yard maintainence along with caring for my kids and doing all the inside stuff...) it got overwhelming and I've shelved it for now. Maybe I'll rethink it. It intimidates me because I don't know enough to make sure I would be meeting all the micronutrient needs of my chickens. But I agree with you- the commercial stuff is a poor substitute. Do you mind if I ask what all you feed your chickens? My chickens don't free range, but they have an incredibly big run and still haven't stripped it of grass- in fact, it still looks like yard. I really want to talk myself into letting them free range, but I am such a worrier, and even in their run I had one carried off by a hawk earlier this spring. Plus we have close neighbors and TONS of "free range" dogs... I just can't talk myself into it. But either way I will make sure they get lots of fresh greens and bugs- as soon as they get the grass down I'm going to put in three "salad bars" with clover, alfalfa, and grass planted in them- I already planted two tomato plants (with cages around them) in the run so they can eat any leaves that poke out and I can throw them the fruits when they start to develop, and I have three big hosta patches in there as well (although they're demolished at the moment- I need to cage them for a while so they can grow again). And I plan to plant some plants that attract bugs, too, like lavender, around the run. Anyway, besides their forage, what do you feed? You can message me if you want to not post it here.

And maybe I'll start using powdered milk, since it's just for the chickens- the main concern, health wise, with powdered milk is oxidized fat, and do (non cornish X) have issues with heart problems?

Freezing the kefir is a really good idea, and doing the layered parfaits for the birds sounds like a devine treat for them once it gets warmer out, Thankd dlecolst!

And I'll take some Sangria with pineapple and watermelon- that sounds like perfection!
Albuquerque is the largest city in the state of New Mexico, United States. It is the county seat of Bernalillo County and is situated in the central part of the state, straddling the Rio Grande.
Hi Everyone! Hi Ginny! I'll take a glass of that sangria, please

It's been ages and ages since I've been on this thread. I'm glad to see it's still going! I've moved recently and we didn't have internet hooked up, so I've been slacking on BYC. c

I'm still doing my kefir, Kombucha, sourdough and fermented veggies. For anyone who has been studing a Nourishing Traditions/ Traditional foods diet, I've found an AWESOME webiste and e-course at it covers all of the topics of traditional food prep, and she just keeps adding new classes. Once you are a member you get access to any and all classes on the site. She has a $10/Month option, and you can download and save all the material and end your membership at any time. The first course covered fundamentals, then a whole course on making all kinds of sourdough goodies, one on basic cheesemaking, and now she is doing a class on preserving fruits and veggies by fermentation. For those of you who are established in this way of eating, you probably already know all of this, but for a newbie like me it has just been fabulous. The videos help me so much since I am a visual learner. It has kind of a religious tone to it, which might put off some folks....but it's not overwhelming and it doesn't bother me.

Anyway, I too would love to see the chicken feed recipe! I've been wanting to mix my own, but for now I've been purchasing Countryside Organics soy free layer feed. I would love to look into some recipes for homemade.

I'm going to make that parfait for my girls today. What a greaat idea!

Just wanted to check in and say Hi! It's been too long. Is Earnie still around?
I hope everyone is doing well and that their chickies are thriving!

Watch all ten of this guy's presentations:

I dont' know if anyone has purchased anything from this narcistic maniac, and if you havent' I hope you never do. My parents bought some stuff from him and he cheated them out of their money. When I wrote to him to find out why he did this, his response was, "don't get your panties in a twist". He didn't refund their money and he's just a plan @ss. I wouldn't buy ANYTHING from this guy or watch his videos.

If you want good, great, no wonderful Kefir of all kinds, go to this kind and loving site: They are fantastic and will help you every inch of the way.
Hello Andrea,
The sangria has been sssoooo good!! I have slowed down on the kombucha and kefir, but have been keeping it going for the fall and winter. Been getting supper out of the garden every night. There are so many ways to eat veggies! YUM!!
I haven't heard from ernie in a while, I,too, wonder how he is......

Hope everybody's summer is going well.......

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