PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

Instead of freezing it, try making it into sauerkraut or kimchi. Once it's fermented, then freeze or just store in a cool area/ fridge. It will stay crunchy and give you probiotics. Plus, it will be more nutritious from the fermentation. You can still you use it in soups and stuff, just with a different and more interesting flavor. Feel free to add other veggies or even fruit like apples while fermenting.
Can kombucha be shipped? I just started making kefir for me and the chicks two weeks ago. My favorite bedtime snack! Going through a quart a day and could probably use more! I'd love to try kombucha but don't know anyone with a mother.
I also lacto-ferment sauerkraut and other veggies and bake sourdough bread. Can't wait to try my kefir whey in sauerkraut next week!
I'm sharing my kefir grains with mom and brother this morning!
Oh my goodness, the kefir grains I got Saturday are multiplying like crazy!
I love these things! They are grown in raw cow milk where I got them, and I bought a gallon of raw milk while I was there. This is what they are growing in. It's only taking 12 hours or less for it to brew and I've now got twice as many grains as I started with! In 2 1/2 days!

I'm going to be switching them over to homogenized milk since I'd have to drive so far for the raw milk that it would make the gallon cost around $20. Hopefully this explosive growth will slow down some. Not that I'm not tickled pink, just that I can see having too many much too quickly!
So far my chickens love extra kefir grains. And kumbucha scoby cut into 1/2" cubes.. OMG you'd think I'd just given them mealworms! They go crazy over the stuff! Believe it or not, they also like ACV mother cut up. That's something I was sure they wouldn't eat but they love that too.
I thought your chickens would enjoy the grains. My birds didn't like kombucha mother whole. They do devour it cut up. HHMMM, I wonder what the nutritional quality of mother is , besides it being a probiotic?
That's what I thought too!! The KeferLady said she could sell it for $100 per Quart, which would purify/clarify up to 250 gallons of water, but even at that it's too expensive. I'm still going to read up on it to see what it's all about, but I don't think I'll be buying it any time soon.

Hey all just rereading this thread, and noticed this post. I think you can use prills guard for much cheaper, from here...
I plan to try it........... and its much cheaper and supposedly last forever........... 1 Time ordering WooHoo
They don't claim that those prill beads actually clean up the water. In fact, they recommend you use filtered water to begin with. I'm passing on those.

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