Processing in Western MD/Eastern WV/Northern VA


Passing as a responsible adult
10 Years
Jun 20, 2009
Adamstonwn, MD
So, I tried to process a couple of older layers and totally botched it. Does anyone know of a someone in the area that can process a handful of superannuated layets? I know they are only good for the stewpot at this point, but I would like to get them done before winter.

If I lived closer, I'd sure come over and do it for you!
I'm in Franklin, WV.
Practice makes perfect
Really...that's the only way you get better
But maybe you could find someone on here to come help out and teach you some of their handy tricks? Too bad I'm in Texas, or I'd help
I just had mine processed at a place in Sharpsburg MD near Hagerstown. If that's within a reasonable drive for you, let me know and I'll email the contact info.
How close are you to Winchester, va? I might be able to help you. I do my own chickens. I think there is a processor in the Front Royal area, too.

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