Professional help needed! Breed and sex!


In the Brooder
Jul 7, 2015
Hello, I'm a rookie when it comes to sexing birds and even worse when it comes to determining the breed. I picked up a straight run line of mixed birds... one supposedly a black copper maran and an Easter egger,,but I have two that I'm not certain of (both of the lighter brown/tan birds). Could anyone looks at thsee pics and offer any idea what they may be and what sex. I believe the light brown/gray bird is the only pullet I have out of the bunch. All are approx. 4 Mos old.

Thank you!
Welcome to BYC! I'd be glad to help!

I don't seem able to see the pictures, however. Could you try reposting them?
sorry photos wouldnt upload from mobile device. I started new thread with pics. Thank you for the quick response!!

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