Pros and cons of organic vs nonorganic?

Then please provide your own link that is also a scientific study and not an opinion or blog.

Also explain why the AMA refused to violate their scientific principles and condemn GMO foods. America's doctors should be the first to see any sickness, disease, or negative impacts on their patients caused by genetically improved food. Conversely Doctors should also be the first to notice any benefit derived by their patents from consuming Organic food.

Even if your accusations are true, then why has the Organic food production industry been sitting on their hands for 32 or 20 years without being able to refute even one FDA, EPA, and USDA study saying that GMO foods are safe? Surely there is not a global shortage of test tubes and Bunsen Burners? But there sure is a global dearth of scientific proof concerning any negative effects of GMOs on human health.

However there are reams and reams of infallible proof that the ANTI-GMO movement is shockingly unconcerned with human health, especially the health of innocent children.

I am speaking of Golden Rice a form of GM rice that has the promise... no the ability to eradicate vitamin A deficiency in the Third World. No one even wants to sell Golden Rice seeds to farmers in the Third World, the researchers want to give these life giving seeds away for free but they have been fighting a 14 year up hill battle to do so. Every year 2,000,000 poor children in Asia, Africa, and Latin America die and another 500,000 go blind because they don't get enough real vitamin A. Therefor in the last 14 years 28,000,000 children have died and another 7,000,000 have lost their eyesight because of the well fed First World's opposition to Golden Rice So my question is this, which one of this poor girl's eyes do the organic activist plan on bragging about poking out? I can hear it now, "Yea, I helped poked that eye ball out! Ain't it pretty?"

In response to the not caring of the health of these children. This rice will not alone cure their issue as the real issue in this is the fact that the bodies are not properly absorbing the needed vitamins because of a lack of fat in their diets. Its not an ANTIGMO movement, the farmers don't want to grow it because they know this does not solve their problems. I see where you might think that they might not care, but there is no proof that GMO is a cure all food.
In response to the not caring of the health of these children. This rice will not alone cure their issue as the real issue in this is the fact that the bodies are not properly absorbing the needed vitamins because of a lack of fat in their diets. Its not an ANTIGMO movement... [more later on farmers in the Third World not wanting to grow Golden Rice] I see where you might think that they might not care, but there is no proof that GMO is a cure all food.
The suggestion that GM food was conceived as a cure all drug for all the World's health problems is a straw man. GM food was conceived as and is grown as food, pure and simple.

As food there has never been ONE case of GM food ever sickening a single human. The folks who make the false health claims for food is the Organic food industry. I have read claims from the worst Organic charlatans that Organic food will cure cancer. Therefor it is incumbent on the Organic Industrial to PROVE their claims about the dangers of GM food or else they must PROVE their claims about the added health benefits of Organic food. In over 20 years no such proof has been forthcoming.

There, I have given the Organic Industrial Food Complex two paths to follow. However I will not hold my breath while they attempt to prove either claim.
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The suggestion that GM food was conceived as a cure all drug for all the World's health problems is a straw man. GM food was conceived as and is grown as food, pure and simple.

As food there has never been ONE case of GM food ever sickening a single human. The folks who make the false health claims for food is the Organic food industry. I have read claims from the worst Organic charlatans that Organic food will cure cancer. Therefor it is incumbent on the Organic Industrial to PROVE their claims about the dangers of GM food or else they must PROVE their claims about the added health benefits of Organic food. In over 20 years no such proof has been forthcoming.

There, I have given the Organic Industrial Food Complex two paths to follow. However I will not hold my breath while they attempt to prove either claim.
That's how GMO rice is pushed in other countries (specifically the area where the picture referred to) as a cure all food for their lack of specific vitamins. Not only this but the only reason people disregard the rat study is because they don't feel there was enough rats in the study even though the study was conducted longer than regular lab studies and had more than 3 times the recommended amount. Not only to humans but also to the earth are scientists looking into the effects of the resiliant bugs that are being produced. This isn't made up and the companies that have put money forth to hinder those speaking against GMO are 10 fold compared to the money against GMO. You lack knowledge and real educational studies by scientists so I understand why you won't be holding your breath
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That's how GMO rice is pushed in other countries as a cure all food for their lack of specific vitamins. Not only this but the only reason people disregard the rat study is because they don't feel there was enough rats in the study even though the study was conducted longer than regular lab studies and had more than 3 times the recommended amount. Not only to humans but also to the earth are scientists looking into the effects of the resiliant bugs that are being produced. This isn't made up and the companies that have put money forth to hinder those speaking against GMO are 10 fold compared to the money against GMO. You lack knowledge and real educational studies by scientists so I understand why you won't be holding your breath
So we are to hold elections now to find the scientific truth. Gee, why not return to pitching virgins in a volcano, that seems to have work for most of human history. The simple fact that this fraudulent "study" was published in the first place is proof beyond a reasonable doubt that the Organic Industrial Food Complex is not being prevented from showing their "proof" in the forum of public debate. It just so happened that the proof was faked or else scientifically irresponsible. Holly Bernie Madoff Spider Man!!!! Who would have done such a thing?
That's how GMO rice is pushed in other countries (specifically the area where the picture referred to) as a cure all food for their lack of specific vitamins.....
As I have indicated in my posts before NO ONE is "pushing" Golden Rice. The people who developed it have been trying to give it away for free. Free in my dictionary means without any charges or money changing hands. So a 14 year long wait before a life and sight giving food is approved and provided free to the third worlds poor is NOT deliberately poking out the eye balls of the unfortunate? Come on, I think that you know better that that, you seem like a nice enough guy.
As I have indicated in my posts before NO ONE is "pushing" Golden Rice. The people who developed it have been trying to give it away for free. Free in my dictionary means without any charges or money changing hands. So a 14 year long wait before a life and sight giving food is approved and provided free to the third worlds poor is NOT deliberately poking out the eye balls of the unfortunate? Come on, I think that you know better that that, you seem like a nice enough guy.
Alright this will be my last argument because I'm not going to lose my day because you can't understand this. Back when the government took it over there and was forcing it down throats no one wanted to grow it. The people there didn't want it. WHY? because the rice is not a LIFE OR SITE saving food. the lack of the vitamin intake is with LACK IF FATS IN DIETS. So they can eat this all they want. The government still subsidizes it, If you dont agree go ask any economic GDP evaluation when they count the money sent over there for the product. That is what is wrong with this, we have people that don't even live near these places yet feel they need to growing it, regardless of what the growers there say they want.
I suppose that the next Anti-GMO study will purport that once GM corn it is converted into Ethanol and burned as a motor fuel it's responsible for my Ford getting a flat tire.

The biggest obstacle to Philippine farmers planting Golden Rice is that they report that they don't like the taste of Golden Rice compared to the taste of the rice that they grew up eating. But no one has bothered to poll the poor. This is hardly surprising and it is also hardly scientific evidence.

Of course the Third World poor don't have a diet with enough fats in it. If these people could already afford to eat eggs, liver, sardines, whole milk or butter every day they wouldn't be poor would they? But because they are poor they must eat enough carbohydrates to keep their bodies and souls together. Rice has a lot of carbohydrates in it. Therefor the Third World poor eat a lot of rice because rice is about the only food that they can afford.

Have no fear. If the US or some other government was planning on feeding the Earths poor on Corn, Soy, Wheat, Oats, Canola, Baby Formula, Sugar Beets, Cotton Seed Oil, Salmon, M&Ms, Bananas, Macaroni & Cheese, Orange Juice, Cane Sugar, All Natural Honey, (And I especially find the following hilarious) Meatless Chicken Nuggets (from Loma Linda), Back Bean Burgers, Vegetarian Burger and those cookies baked in a tree by elves. Well in that case the Earth's poor would still be in a 'World' of hurt because all these of these foods or products are either Genetically Modified or they contain GM ingredients. So opposition to GMOs isn't hurting the Third Words poor it's just the First World's opposition to Golden Rice that is killing children.

To paraphrase the theme song from the Play My Fair Lady, "With a little bit of luck..." we may be lucky enough to put the increased cost of a Non GM future on backs of Non GM activist. Historically food costs represented anywhere from 50% to 60% of a families' weekly budget, so with a little bit of luck we maybe able to get there again, but do you really want to go backwards? If you do you had best be soaking your hands in alum so that you can toughen your skin so that you can preform the work ahead. Welcome to the future!

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