Thoughts on organic chicken feed. What is your opinion?

I can't tell you whose feed suppliment that Bruno's Farm's Custom Feeds is using, but both they and Nature Smart are using one to ensure the micronutrient needs are met. No red flags, both look like feeds I'd use without concern. Go with what's cheapest - and if money is no object, go w/ Bruno Farms. That recipe looks like it was dialed in nicely. Its also local, and likely to be fresher milled.
Excellent, thank you both for your input. That's reassuring. Bruno's is $16 for a 50 lbs bag which now seems incredibly reasonable. Happy to be supporting something local and hopefully freshly milled. After searching various products online, I came across Grubbly Farms Little Pecks which has a lovely variety of whole foods and good numbers, but costs $56.99 for a 30 lbs bag! That's over $40 more. From what I'm learning so far, it seems like I can trust some of the more affordable and more accessible options available.

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