Proud Cayuga owners!!!!

Agreed - She is showing them who's boss most likely. I see this more so w/ my rabbits, some of my does are very dominant & will mount other does & even the bucks to show them what's up. As long as she doesn't get any more aggressive, I wouldn't worry too much since your drake is bringing back order. If you still feel uncomfortable about it, you can always take her from the group for a few days (in an area out of view of the others) then put her back in, this might lower her in the pecking order.
Hi all!!! Soon to be owner of two or three new baby cayugas! i'm going to get them this weekend!! i can't wait! i'm naming one FeatherHead and still have to think on the other.
I'm not sure what you are asking Duck Love07 AR (that is too long of a name...we must come up with a nic name for you

If they are babies you will not need to worry about mating for a while. And when they do start...they will know what to do.
I'm not sure what you are asking Duck Love07 AR (that is too long of a name...we must come up with a nic name for you

If they are babies you will not need to worry about mating for a while. And when they do start...they will know what to do.
well i would hope so
but i was just wondering if there was anything they might need for mating that some other ducks do not. some breeds of duck mate in water and only in water, that means keep lots of water that is deep near by. and you can call me Lover07
I don't think this breed needs anything special when it comes to their breeding habits.

I have several different breeds and while they like to hop in the pool and breed....they don't need to.

Ask anyone who drives by my love ALL over the yard.
My Cayuga's are no different...and I should know....please refer back to previous post about year of the Drake
My Cauga is 9 months old. My Mallards are already laying but she has not yet... at least I don't think so... the eggs I am getting are green and I was told Cayugas lay black eggs? When do you think she will start laying?

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