Proud Cayuga owners!!!!


my babies 1 cayuga & 1 khaki cambell
thelma the cayuga & louise the cambell
we had a death today
one of the kids unplugged the heat lamp and Wraith my baby died. The child has been punished but the baby is still gone...
:( My son did something similar - w/ my Jan hatch, he woke up in the middle of the night & decided he wanted to 'hear the eggs' (he's going to be 3 & gets very excited about them) so he crept into my room & pulled all the eggs out of the bator - smashed 2(they were 1/2 way thru incubation) & severely cracked 3 others -2 of the 3 cracked ones made it though. Very sorry to hear about this, never easy loosing a little one -

The duck in the end or last in line is only three months old and these 2 females will be separated into their own pen in about 4 months when my male is big enough and mature.

Two of these i got from a breed that lives about 60 miles away from me the one in the water is the only one that survived in my mail order from the hatchery. It is a boy in the water the other two are girls.

These last 3 babies in my hand are from the replacement order. There are 2 girls and 1 boy. I am planning on going back to the breeder and getting a couple more females and another male or two. I love my cayuga's and the purple, blue and green sheens they have in there feathers.
They are very addicting - I will be setting more of my ladies eggs later today for the Easter Hatch-a-long Hooray for more Cayugas!!!
I am just happy we saved the other two before they froze as well.
Glad to hear the other 2 made it
:( My son did something similar - w/ my Jan hatch, he woke up in the middle of the night & decided he wanted to 'hear the eggs' (he's going to be 3 & gets very excited about them) so he crept into my room & pulled all the eggs out of the bator - smashed 2(they were 1/2 way thru incubation) & severely cracked 3 others -2 of the 3 cracked ones made it though. Very sorry to hear about this, never easy loosing a little one -
They are very addicting - I will be setting more of my ladies eggs later today for the Easter Hatch-a-long Hooray for more Cayugas!!!
Glad to hear the other 2 made it
I have a son the same age and it is just maddening the things they do. (well I have an older son also but he wasn't as "curious" about how everything works)
I have a drake I offically call "dirty old man" now. But, not around the kids haha

We have 2 ducks and 13 chicks that have been in a partitioned area of the coop. When the babes were 5 weeks old and everyone had been ignoring each other I let them into the whole coop while the big birds were out free ranging but left the door open so the hens could still get to the nest boxes. Didn't have any problems for the first 3 or 4 days and then Friday I was in a hurry and just turned the babes loose while the girls were still waking up and getting down from the roost and the Dirty Old Man (lone drake) tried to "have his way" with one of the girls. I kicked him out and he didn't try to get back in. Then it happened the next day when I was putting everyone to bed. I realize now that although he will not pursue her (it is always the same one) but if she comes near him he grabs her. Should I continue to keep them apart until the girls are sexually mature or can they withstand his advances sooner? How does it work if they are raised by a broody? I know they will protect them for awhile but not usually for 7 months. Maybe he isnt trying to mate maybe he just doesn't like them yet?

It is my hope that once it is warm and everyone is brave enough to be outside they will form mini flocks and leave each other alone. (we have 10 acres)

Birds Involved:

1 Cayuga Drake 1 BO Hen 4 Brahma Hens ( 10 months)

2 Cayuga Ducks 3 EEs 2 Brahmas 8 production reds (5 weeks & 5 days)

***the chickens are all meshing well***
How come i can't seem to find anything on Cayuga ducks? i mean i have only ever raised Muscovies and i know they are way different, but when i look i can't find anything about their mating or age related stuff like when they get all their grown up fathers or their voice. anyone have any places that could help or want to tell me about their birds?
im new to cayugas too i have one cayuga and one khaki cambell they r 4 weeks old and just starting to get their feathers on tail and around wings
I have a drake I offically call "dirty old man" now. But, not around the kids haha

We have 2 ducks and 13 chicks that have been in a partitioned area of the coop. When the babes were 5 weeks old and everyone had been ignoring each other I let them into the whole coop while the big birds were out free ranging but left the door open so the hens could still get to the nest boxes. Didn't have any problems for the first 3 or 4 days and then Friday I was in a hurry and just turned the babes loose while the girls were still waking up and getting down from the roost and the Dirty Old Man (lone drake) tried to "have his way" with one of the girls. I kicked him out and he didn't try to get back in. Then it happened the next day when I was putting everyone to bed. I realize now that although he will not pursue her (it is always the same one) but if she comes near him he grabs her. Should I continue to keep them apart until the girls are sexually mature or can they withstand his advances sooner? How does it work if they are raised by a broody? I know they will protect them for awhile but not usually for 7 months. Maybe he isnt trying to mate maybe he just doesn't like them yet?

It is my hope that once it is warm and everyone is brave enough to be outside they will form mini flocks and leave each other alone. (we have 10 acres)

Birds Involved:

1 Cayuga Drake 1 BO Hen 4 Brahma Hens ( 10 months)

2 Cayuga Ducks 3 EEs 2 Brahmas 8 production reds (5 weeks & 5 days)

***the chickens are all meshing well***
After all this whining. I went outside and did some brain storming. I decided to make the old man a "stud stall" he can sleep seperate and hopefully that helps to keep him from getting pooped on at night :)
How come i can't seem to find anything on Cayuga ducks? i mean i have only ever raised Muscovies and i know they are way different, but when i look i can't find anything about their mating or age related stuff like when they get all their grown up fathers or their voice. anyone have any places that could help or want to tell me about their birds?
It is easiest to just search for general duck info. You will find general guidelines on mallard derived breeds which Cayugas are. Usually by 6 weeks they are safe to swim unsupervised and be let outside into the elements (with shelter of course) They also have their voice at about 5-6 weeks. You will then be able to tell with pretty good accuracy if it is a boy or girl. Girls have a typical quack while males sounds like they are quacking & inhaling at the same time, it is more muffled and raspy. Cauygas are small enough they do not require water for breeding but I have read it helps reduce stress on the female to have water available. They also LOVE playing in water. They then make holes in the ground wherever they made mud looking for goodies. They do not roost like muscovies and prefer to find a comfy spot on the ground. I enjoy watching them ecspecially on sunny days when their feathers shimmer green, purple, and blue in the sunlight. Hope you have fun with your birds.

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