Proud Cayuga owners!!!!

How come i can't seem to find anything on Cayuga ducks? i mean i have only ever raised Muscovies and i know they are way different, but when i look i can't find anything about their mating or age related stuff like when they get all their grown up fathers or their voice. anyone have any places that could help or want to tell me about their birds?

Okay I am still learning about Cayugas but I can say this my females were laying eggs at 6 months just a pekin or runner ducks. The male I have was trying to mate with the ducks once they turned 5 months old. He was picking on them before that it kind of looked like mating but he just wanted to make sure he was the big shot. As for the voice it is the same as the runners or Pekins or any other duck the females let out a Quack and the males sound raspy or like they are sick or have a cold. The males have a tail that curls.
Hi, new to raising ducks and proud owners of 10 cayuga susies and 2 drakes. They are laying like crazy, have 20 eggs in the incubator now, some of the darker eggs are a bit harder to candle but looks like most are fertile. We were worried since that is 5 to one ratio, wondered if the guys could keep up with that many. Time will tell.. Cant wait until hatch and we add to our flock and perhaps sell some.
Hi, new to raising ducks and proud owners of 10 cayuga susies and 2 drakes. They are laying like crazy, have 20 eggs in the incubator now, some of the darker eggs are a bit harder to candle but looks like most are fertile. We were worried since that is 5 to one ratio, wondered if the guys could keep up with that many. Time will tell.. Cant wait until hatch and we add to our flock and perhaps sell some.

I was told that they can handle 6 hens for every drake but I keep mine at a 4 or 5 to 1 ratio just to make sure I have fertile eggs and the fertility doesn't suffer if they can handle 6 to 1. I know a Rooster can handle 10 hens with no problem but ducks are different.
I have a drake I offically call "dirty old man" now. But, not around the kids haha

We have 2 ducks and 13 chicks that have been in a partitioned area of the coop. When the babes were 5 weeks old and everyone had been ignoring each other I let them into the whole coop while the big birds were out free ranging but left the door open so the hens could still get to the nest boxes. Didn't have any problems for the first 3 or 4 days and then Friday I was in a hurry and just turned the babes loose while the girls were still waking up and getting down from the roost and the Dirty Old Man (lone drake) tried to "have his way" with one of the girls. I kicked him out and he didn't try to get back in. Then it happened the next day when I was putting everyone to bed. I realize now that although he will not pursue her (it is always the same one) but if she comes near him he grabs her. Should I continue to keep them apart until the girls are sexually mature or can they withstand his advances sooner? How does it work if they are raised by a broody? I know they will protect them for awhile but not usually for 7 months. Maybe he isnt trying to mate maybe he just doesn't like them yet?

It is my hope that once it is warm and everyone is brave enough to be outside they will form mini flocks and leave each other alone. (we have 10 acres)

Birds Involved:

1 Cayuga Drake 1 BO Hen 4 Brahma Hens ( 10 months)

2 Cayuga Ducks 3 EEs 2 Brahmas 8 production reds (5 weeks & 5 days)

***the chickens are all meshing well***

Hi, new to raising ducks and proud owners of 10 cayuga susies and 2 drakes. They are laying like crazy, have 20 eggs in the incubator now, some of the darker eggs are a bit harder to candle but looks like most are fertile. We were worried since that is 5 to one ratio, wondered if the guys could keep up with that many. Time will tell.. Cant wait until hatch and we add to our flock and perhaps sell some.
I wouldn't worry so much when they are in their prime - they don't say Ducks are the rapists of the bird world. When your eggs have that darker film on them you can wipe it off prior to incubating- makes it much easier to candle
I have 10(I think, god I'm horrible, been stuffing the incubators w/ almost every egg I get from them!) & @ 3 days all showed veining & I put another 6 in yesterday! Since you are hatching yourself I wouldn't add anymore drakes since your bound to get a few in there! Yay for ducklings!

my now month old babies, they grow fast!
They are adorable!! I just love Cayuga ducklings <3 I'll have my second batch of hatchers from my own flock on Easter then some more in the beginning of April!
They are adorable!! I just love Cayuga ducklings <3 I'll have my second batch of hatchers from my own flock on Easter then some more in the beginning of April!
i read some where that if they have white on them they were female, has that been the way of things with you? and how much white is to much? if my bird has more white then what it should does that mean i shouldn't breed that bird?
Cayugas can actually go completely white.

Some of my hens started going white before hey began to lay, and others are two years old and have no white.

This is something else that is not well known.

You should post us a picture of your gal who is turning white.
I have always seen that white on a cayuga duckling is a DQ for show purposes no matter the sex. I realize that the females do go white as they age but it is supposed to be part of the aging process not their original color. Quality males do not go white ever is my understanding. However, this is just what I have read I have all hatchery stock and none of last years had any white but this year my two girls do have white on their chest (different hatchery I was kind of bummed) but still have the nice green sheen to their feathers unlike some other hatchery Cayugas I have seen.
but this year my two girls do have white on their chest (different hatchery I was kind of bummed) but still have the nice green sheen to their feathers unlike some other hatchery Cayugas I have seen.

Was this as ducklings or just now that they are older.

I would be shocked if they were ducklings. I have yet to ever see white on a baby.

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